General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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An honest man who has attended parliament nearly every day to represent he can his constituents and work hard for bolsover, has made the least ever exspence claims, will not use the public purse to travel between constituency and parliament.

Sorry but does a few choice words in what is the pantomine of parliament upset you? he has his beliefs and sticks to them unlike may who has no pricipals.
Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck
This is what we voted for and Brexit is what it is, there is no hard Brexit just Brexit. None of these politicians were ambiguous they were perfectly clear.

I do not want to stray into too much Brexit - there is another thread for that, but is seems really shallow the way so many posters blame May and her team for us leaving the Single Market.

That is not something that the UK has deliberately sought - it is entirely down to the EU.

What we have said is that we want controls on immigration and our borders. It is the EU that makes membership of the single market conditional on acceptance of free movement.

It is a form of blackmail and the UK electorate has informed the government that we are not willing to pay the ransom.
I do not want to stray into too much Brexit - there is another thread for that, but is seems really shallow the way so many posters blame May and her team for us leaving the Single Market.

That is not something that the UK has deliberately sought - it is entirely down to the EU.

What we have said is that we want controls on immigration and our borders. It is the EU that makes membership of the single market conditional on acceptance of free movement.

It is a form of blackmail and the UK electorate has informed the government that we are not willing to pay the ransom.

The election is about more than just Brexit though - will she say anything about anything else? NHS, school funding, Indyref 2 - thats why she is dodging a TV debate - she can't go onto that with a pre-written script like she does in PMQ's
Lol @purplenose

Another one that has fallen for the media's spin?

For those who don't know, Rupert Murdoch has paid 0 tax in the UK since around 1987. The reason? Cos of the lies he prints whether it's about politics, war, immigration etc.

Yet people decide what he lies about and decide what to believe. It really is laughable because as of now, the U.K. Public have an opportunity to change British politics and have a PM that can't be bought, wants to tax the rich properly. No more Google paying 0.2% in tax or Apple paying 0.01% in tax and we might even see a racist Australian who has so much to say about our country paying tax on his 6.7bn fortune.
Of course that's going to really hurt Mr Murdoch and his empire so what better way to get the public onside and spread lies through all his dailies.

Here is an article by the Independent from July last year, and yes that 75% of articles about Corbyn were either lies or "misrepresentation"

Not read the whole thread but has anybody talked about the Surrey sweetheart deal? The closure of NHS hospitals and the privatisation of the NHS? The embarrassing NI u-turn after the last budget? The decrease in mental health care, that our PM laughed about at PMQT. She really does not care about those that need help, I just hope the British public see through her before it's too late.

And those saying Corbyn couldn't lead the country need to have a look at how Norway did under a socialist government.......and you won't find those links under a Murdoch rag either!
I think your right, which takes me back to my first post tonight, which was about why she should do the debates, if I was a leaver I would want her on record with what she would and wouldnt accept. I think some leavers have convinced themselves she has become this hardline leaver. Im not convinced she is, maybe just a bit of wishful thinking from me, but her track record should lead everyone from both sides to mistrust her.

I am a totally committed leaver and I am very happy with May as PM and that firmly believe she is right to have called the election and absolutely should not take part in any debates. 3 comments:

1. As PM, I believe that she has set her mind to implement Brexit and has ensured that her team - who had way different positions ranging from Johnson to Rudd are on board. All we have seen so far, IMO, is steely determination and clever management of the process through Westminster, including unamended issue of the A50 notice. From the evidence so far, who else would I have preferred? Boris is too self-serving and could compromise Brexit and other possibilities might be too extreme and not have the capability for effective negotiations. She must be quite ruthless behind the scenes - even Anna Soubry was toeing the line yesterday.

2. There has been throughout game playing by the Remainers trying to place constraints on the process and conditions on the outcome of the negotiations. Also, her more extreme backbenchers have potential to try and force through conditions on the negotiations, thereby limiting the opportunity to get the best deal for the UK - negotiations cannot be effectively managed in that environment. The 'real' shape of Brexit will emerge during the negotiations and we will get the best deal from an EU that is facing off against a determined UK team with a strong mandate and without the EU having motivations to stall and play hardball because it looks like the UK's positions could be undermined from within.

3. Leading up to the negotiations it is of paramount importance that the Ideal, Realistic and Fallback positions of key outcomes and also any red lines, are kept highly confidential and limited to a small number of key people. The Remainers and the media have been clamouring for 'detail of what Brexit will look like' since June and May has very effectively played a dead bat. If she was to take part in any debates she would be bombarded with questions on negotiating outcomes that she could and should not answer as it would adversely impact our negotiating position and introduce hostages to fortune
The election is about more than just Brexit though - will she say anything about anything else? NHS, school funding, Indyref 2 - thats why she is dodging a TV debate - she can't go onto that with a pre-written script like she does in PMQ's

Totally disagree about the debate(s) as covered in my previous post.

I agree that this is a GE and not a 2nd Brexit referendum so the scope should be a range of other key issues. I am very sure that you/we will hear a lot more about other important policies, e.g. education, as she will want to secure a mandate for those policies as well rather than have to fight them in Westminster post-election.

The right and proper thing though is that these policies should be set out in the party manifesto - that has been the way for generations - debates are very recent development and do and should not replace the setting out of manifestos.
Lol @purplenose

Another one that has fallen for the media's spin?

For those who don't know, Rupert Murdoch has paid 0 tax in the UK since around 1987. The reason? Cos of the lies he prints whether it's about politics, war, immigration etc.

Yet people decide what he lies about and decide what to believe. It really is laughable because as of now, the U.K. Public have an opportunity to change British politics and have a PM that can't be bought, wants to tax the rich properly. No more Google paying 0.2% in tax or Apple paying 0.01% in tax and we might even see a racist Australian who has so much to say about our country paying tax on his 6.7bn fortune.
Of course that's going to really hurt Mr Murdoch and his empire so what better way to get the public onside and spread lies through all his dailies.

Here is an article by the Independent from July last year, and yes that 75% of articles about Corbyn were either lies or "misrepresentation"

Not read the whole thread but has anybody talked about the Surrey sweetheart deal? The closure of NHS hospitals and the privatisation of the NHS? The embarrassing NI u-turn after the last budget? The decrease in mental health care, that our PM laughed about at PMQT. She really does not care about those that need help, I just hope the British public see through her before it's too late.

And those saying Corbyn couldn't lead the country need to have a look at how Norway did under a socialist government.......and you won't find those links under a Murdoch rag either!
agree but unfortunately this bias press are going to make this a one subject election, leaving the EU, and people will lap it up while the countries real problems will be ignored as the real reasons to change government.
There's no need for this election, other than a cynical power-grab attempt.

You'd think that politicians would be wary of taking the electorate for granted,

Going to the electorate is the opposite of taking them for granted.
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