General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Corbyn is addressing these by saying he will borrow half a trillion. He hasn't said where that money will come from nor how this helps to address the trillions of debt we already have.

This is why many regard him as clueless, I'd go for him if he found a way to pump billions into the NHS and public services in a logical and reasoned manner, I have yet to hear anything on that. He will throw caution to the wind for an ideology which is against a capitalist society but which ironically must be funded by a capitalist way of thinking. If he is unwilling to be balanced then how can he ever hope to gather even the slightest bit of trust. Why will millions of people risk their house, pensions, jobs etc?

To win he needs to overturn the many seats Labour lost last time around due to mistrust and are those people going to change that decision in the next month? It is quite literally impossible. His only real possible vote winner would be a clear policy on Brexit and as of now he has no policy for Brexit.

I think Labour are destined for one of the worst election defeats in recent history. I have listened to the radio today and by the sounds of it anyone who previously voted UKIP is now going to vote Tory, anyone who voted Labour will go either UKIP or Tory and anyone else will either not vote or scattergun between the Lib Dems and Greens.

He has addressed and said where the money would come from, you are on the internet, the search may do you some good.
Half a trillion you say? Better than the £0.7 trillion these clowns have rack up, with no benefit to anyone bar their buddies, seems a bargain.
He has addressed the issue of funding the NHS too. People will not be risking homes, pensions and jobs, they are all at risk at the moment anyway why would you vote to ensure that will happen. Whilst food banks, wage earners who need Universal credit to survive and the muddled up system already in place, as to which there is zero logical and reasoned explanation. She cant even be arsed to defend the tory position on TV as she knows she would be routed.
It far from impossible you stick your x on the paper and he is in, that simple.
Starmer has spoken about Brexit many times.
Love that the media and people are already setting up the only subject in this GE is our exit of a trading partnership.

Whatever the result of them negotiations we still need in power a government that will sort out the unequal rental market, sort out the mess of the NHS, care for the sick, disabled and those with mental health problems, bulid affordable housing for all, re-invest in manufacturing and nationalise our rail while having tighter controls on the energy comanies ripping off of the public.
Build schools and tackle the shote academy and free school system.

Leaving the EU is a big deal, but we were here before we were in it and we will survive leaving it, spending the next 7 weeks making this the only way you choose your vote will let the tories get their landslide, and do nothig to improve our negoting power bar the old bag not being scared of her own backbenchers revolting against her.

For Labour it is the kobayashi maru, a no win situation, but losing now while not running away from a fight, or waiting 3 years with the same PLP knobs sniping could have led to a complete wipeout.

Anyone who cares for this country and it's communites of people from all 4 nations and different social standing should remember what these tories and the cowardly, duplicitous liar may have done and be out backing labour, lib dems and greens and fighting to fuck these scumbags out of government.

Btw think maybe would be better having a seperate thread where we (if we wantd to ) declare our voting intentions and constituency with a poll to gague the general bluemoon feeling without all the slagging of each other off, so vote in poll state constiuency if wanted no other comments or negative replies to another post, a place of civilized calm.

then this thread can be left unmoderated to prevent bannings, as I cannot see it lasting till june.

Only someone scared of them would refuse them, but mays pmq's are always scripted unfunny rentaquotes and gimmicks, something she wouldn't be able to do in a debate where the questions would be unknown to an extent, the pig fucker was a pr man and so could ooze his slippery way out, may is a clunky uncomfortable fucker who would look weak, hence why she won't do them.

It has happened in the last 2 elections and the referendum so it's now part of the proccess so should happen.

spot on
This is purely an exercise in political opportunism and it may well come back to bite her on the arse.

There will be a lot of apathy amongst voters, especially if they think that the result is a foregone conclusion, so I expect a low turn-out.

If angry remainers decide to get out and vote tactically, then this could get very interesting. Most had given it up and decided to accept it, but she's thrown them a lifeline and they're going to grab it, even it it takes the ship down.

There's no need for this election, other than a cynical power-grab attempt.

You'd think that politicians would be wary of taking the electorate for granted, especially after the last year or so. But no.

What a monumental shambles.
Catholic fundamentalist who wanted to murder non Catholics and force the people to be Catholic under a Catholic king enslaved to the pope. So erm yes!
Sounds like the remain whingers.

Thou lieth'd about thee pope figures on your wagon!
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