General / Mental Health Support Thread


President, International Julian Alvarez Fan Club
25 Jul 2009
I was hoping to create a supportive, inclusive, and compassionate space on the forum for blues to share their current mental health experiences, both good and bad, however you personally define that.

My intention is for this thread to become a place where struggles and positive progress alike can be discussed, effective strategies for managing one’s mental health and related detrimental conditions (both physical and neurological) can be offered, and stories of successfully living with mental health issues can be shared for encouragement and inspiration.

This is an earnest thread for those of us living with mental health challenges and any trolling, belligerent, or malicious posts will be immediately reported.

Looking forward to hearing from fellow blues about their journeys and experiences.


If anyone is experiencing suicidal ideation please contact a relevant resource (based on location) at the link below:


UK Mental Health Support Resources:

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If anyone has anxiety, or panic attacks problem, try some skills:
Box breath
4-7-8 breath
Progressive muscle relaxation training

They can help you calm down, quite useful.
And don't forget the most important thing: Don't rush to reduce your uncomfortable feeling, the more you want to feel better, the more anxious you will feel. That will make all kinds of skills lose effect.
Stop drinking coffee.
that's all....
stay away from any electronic screen, I mean phone, computer, TV.
don't use too much internet, social media, video game.
All these things, even you feel pleasure when you play, you actually made you brain get more "anxiety".
Just stop. Live a boring life, for a month. You will feel much better.
I've been thinking of visiting a mental health walk-in centre because things have become quite dark for me. Quite - what a joke. Very.
I lost my dad in December but that's only the start of it.
Spring is on the way and things must change.
I mostly successfully manage to avoid social media and especially people.from my youth and early adulthood in case I try and get into comparison games. But I did accidentally stumble.on a page full of people from my past and found out some had recently died, in their.50s Then there is my childhood sweetheart getting married and i.feel that could have been me.

This stuff fucking kills you.
My girlfriend works for the NHS as a mental health therapist. She is studying to be a practitioner, hopelly she will box that off in the summer.

If anyone on here is struggling with mental health problems or has close friends or family members suffering from mental health issues, DM me and she will help where she can.

If anyone does see her, she's a United fan. So you'll feel instantly a bit better when walking in for a start!
Been through some crap. Bullied at school, later in life agreeing to turn off life support to my mum and dad (15 years apart). First one sprialling me into life of work, drugs and alcohol. Take odd beer now and not touched drugs for years. Also managed to get myself debt free. At one stage was over £10k in debt spread across payday loans, maxed credit cards, overdrafts. Few occasions didn't even have £1.50 to get bus to work so phoned in sick.

Now supporting my sister who has dementia and has attempted to commit suicide, partner who suffers from anxiety and stress due to her mum being in care home with Parkinson's and dementia. Also her father (89) with catheter in but refused carers.

Sometimes it's tough being the strong one trying to support and be there for everyone else. I get my head space space by going for a run as sometimes I feel that dark cloud approach and know it's coming but know it won't last
Been through some crap. Bullied at school, later in life agreeing to turn off life support to my mum and dad (15 years apart). First one sprialling me into life of work, drugs and alcohol. Take odd beer now and not touched drugs for years. Also managed to get myself debt free. At one stage was over £10k in debt spread across payday loans, maxed credit cards, overdrafts. Few occasions didn't even have £1.50 to get bus to work so phoned in sick.

Now supporting my sister who has dementia and has attempted to commit suicide, partner who suffers from anxiety and stress due to her mum being in care home with Parkinson's and dementia. Also her father (89) with catheter in but refused carers.

Sometimes it's tough being the strong one trying to support and be there for everyone else. I get my head space space by going for a run as sometimes I feel that dark cloud approach and know it's coming but know it won't last
well done for getting through the bad times and well done for supporting those around you, that can be the most tough thing to do when everyone looks to you for answers and sometimes you just aint got them.
I'm sure we appreciate the sentiment, but I, personally speaking here, would never share any of my mental health issues on here.

Given my understanding and experience with the modus operandi of certain characters on this forum, I know anythign I shared would be used as 'weapons' against in non-related topic discussions.

But kudos for having the compassion and care for others on here.


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