General Space Mission Thread

Ahhh but I just turned the page over when it got to anything space related my brother was the one who had the sputnik toy, my ex into star wars etc to me it was just "up there" somewhere and tbf Damo if I ever asked a question when I was interested I was accused of taking the piss or being stupid neither of which were true it was just a subject I could have become interested in if someone would have realised I knew nothing about it and was asking serious q's and yes I do realise this is a massive a how event and something to be excited about -'if you respond in anything more than a reasonable paragraph I won't read it I'm multi tasking :)

I can assure you that the last thing most sciency bods do is insult people for asking questions. Asking questions is what makes us all sciency bods. I adore explaining this type of stuff as many do because it's a passion that we get a chance to talk to others about.

Sort of like if you're really into footy and somebody genuinely interested asks you what City are all about. You delight in the process of sharing knowledge and your passions. :)
I've recently joined Twitter, if anyone else on here is on it I recommend 'following' NASA - great pictures of Pluto and generally pretty interesting stuff
I can't decide on Bluemoon really. There's lots going on with space missions all of the time and I thought I'd update the thread but most people weren't really that interested. As the jackpot has come more into range then people are rightfully interested. So I can't decide whether talking to myself on a thread is something that people will read or if I'm legitimately talking to myself in a sad way. NASA, ESA and other agencies work year around and the news is always daily, this is a little like starting to support City the day of the QPR game, which is great and all support is definitely appreciated, but I feel that you'd have more of an appreciation if you followed it over the years before it gets there :)

I never really listened at school, was more interested in playing football in the playground but in the years I've been registered on here I've learnt so much about Space Exploration and Science in general.
I'm no expert but I was literally in the dark ages a few years ago... I'm still a complete idiot when it comes to science but I'm trying to ever progress my knowledge.

Big respect to @Damocles for educating me on these matters.

I heard there is an astronomy group at heaton park on thursday nights but don't wanna go down there as I don't know much.
I'm interested Damo, don't really have chance to keep across this sort of thing.
I'm interested too, always read these threads. Damo might feel like he's talking to hinself when he finds there's not many responses but that's only because some of us don't understand this topic that good, we don't know how to reply. I find a bit shit if he sees there's a reply to one of his posts and all it says is 'thanks' 'cheers' 'good post' when he's hopefully wanting to talk more about it.

Anyway you ****, keep posting.
I'm the same, find it interesting but don't understand enough to offer anything to the thread.
This asteroid is going pass earth on Sunday evening, it is estimated to hold 90 million tons of Platinum worth $5.4 trillion, there are companies trying to find a way of mining these asteroids.
On a slightly off topic note, i would wank myself to death if i got a job as a production engineer at these places that build the telescopes we use.
It would be a very very satisfying job.

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