Well-Known Member
Sea of Thieves looks brilliant and funny as fuck. Multiplayer pirate game!
Think the Neo only applies to 4K, apparently if you have a Neo then the games will have an optional update to upscale them to 4K, so the games will still be at 1080p until the update for them is applied
I'm hoping it's only the 4K thing that's changing, PS4 already supports VR from what I'm told?..... Only thing I want to know is if I get a PS4 for £280 is someone with a PS4 Neo going to have a better gaming experience on a HD TV then I would on a HD TV, if so then there's no point getting a PS4 and I might as well wait it out for a Neo. It's shit how they're being quiet on the whole thing.
I'd wait. The Neo won't only support 4k gaming it will also have better specs so the games you play will look better and support higher frame rates.
Neo will have higher specs but the difference will be almost non-existent unless you've got a 4k tv. I think they're not saying much about it right now because they're probably working on making it on par with the scorpio. The consoles are moving into the phone model age now whereby we'll get regular new iterations of consoles with minimal upgrades. If you're the type that has to have the latest phone model on release then you might want to wait for the Neo, if you're somebody that only upgrades every few generations then go ahead and get the cheaper ps4.
Took advantage of the South park pre-order deal where you get stick of truth on the ps4 if you pre order the fractured but whole. What a brilliant game, it's essentially just a massive south park episode. it's actually partially tearing me away from overwatch.
I normally game on my PC but seeing all these PlayStation exclusives have really twisted my arm, things like FPS I tend to play on PC because it's easier to control and like @RandomJ mentioned you get a better frame rate. Things like final fantasy and god of war stuff like that doesn't make a difference, I would be eluded to getting a PS4 though if I wasn't able to play VR, as I can see myself playing resident evil 7 in VR in the future.
I'm sure the PS4 supports VR though?
Where did you get that? The place I usually get my games from says you get a download code for Stick of Truth upon dispatch of Fractured But Whole
Ps store. Only digital pre-purchase get the stick of truth immediately, if pre-ordering either digital or physical you'll have to wait until Fractured But Whole is released to get it.