General Wrestling Thread

WWE always fuck things up and makes you think what the fuck. Bray isnt being used correct. Sheamus winning the money in the bank strange pick building him up as a lucky heel when the champion at the moment is that lucky heel. It could of worked out better than it was done instead of Bray interfering in the match have Finn Balor do it instead and help Sheamus winning it would of made more sense and you could of had a Irish fraction in the making there with Finn helping Sheamus win the title off of whoever.
I think the Cena bullshit will always remain it will go down to the next ppv. Kevin Owens needs to get the win in this feud and move him along. I was hoping of a KO doing a unbeaten run to Wrestlemania and him winning the title but that doesnt look like happening any time soon. The WWE has the new talent there to go on and make new stars but needs to book things right. Roman Reigns I dont like at all should be a mid carder at best the rest of the shield are fine. The talent there but they keep fucking things up. They need a real rival to get the best out of WWE. Sadly TNA or ROH just dont have the legs that WCW had during the old Monday Night Wars when both of them were putting out top quality Wrestling content compared to now. Also reduce the number of PPVs too many by far have a 8 PPVs per year max giving them time to build up to the fights and the product will get better and better.
Honestly mate, I think the WWE has bigger plans for Balor than an Irish faction. He is the prototype WWE Superstar who hangs around the title picture and is over as fuck. A Taker or Savage type spot.

The guy is absolute money and Vince will look after him properly. Unlike some better fancied by the IWC guys, he has charisma and most importantly, defineable character traits by the bucketload which is the exact thing that Vince takes and draws huge with.
well my top 3 matches of the year, (WWE only), are already in place, going to have to be epic to break into this:

1. Lesnar v Cena v Rollins-Royal Rumble.
2. Cena v Owens II-MITB.
3. Cena v Owens I-Elimination Chamber.

who would have thought Cena would be in all 3 of my top matches of the year so far? Haha.
I thought Lesnar was meant to be pissed off with the Authority.

Don't know how they book this, I don't want to ever see Lesnar lose but I don't see him getting the title back. It's just a strange deal all round him being back for the next few months. Too many dates and I don't see him getting proper revenge, so what's the point? I don't see anyone else for him to feud with yet.
Damo I wouldnt trust Vince in marketing Finn as the next Taker or Savage its not as if he is young man he is 33 still not on the main shows yet he has all the tools to be on it and the experiences from working all over the world as it is. I see Finn being a new Jeff Hardy type in WWE but he has got the talent to be more than that. Its like anything any of the main guys in WWE all came out of a team. Brett Hart = Hart Foundation , HBK = The Rockers , HHH = DX , Edge = Edge & Christian , Jeff Hardy = Hardy Boys and even now with the Shield guys and even Bray Wyatt all came out of a fraction to get them all over or a team.
Yeah WWE has always held the logic that if you put a bunch of talented and hungry guys together in a faction then usually one will spin out of it as a star. Doesn't always work but does most of the time as you point out (*and you forgot the Rock in NoD!).

I'd trust Vince in marketing Finn. In fact he is the only type of character that I'd trust Vince 100% not to fuck up and to draw serious money with. There's a great shoot interview that Bruce Prichard did with Kayfabe Commentaries talking about how Vince works creatively (and if anybody knows then it's him), going through why some things happened including Dusty's polka dots and Terry Taylor's Rooster gimmick.

The long and short of it is that Vince looks at the guy then tries to find an aspect of their personality to "turn up to 11" to create a sort of unreal type of quality that makes them larger than life. He'd look at a Balor and see nothing but money because his character is already well defined and just needs that sort of genius polishing and marketing that Vince can certainly do along with the big production values that the WWE can offer in terms of entrances and make up. I think he's going to draw big money, or at least they'll try to do big things with him. Honestly think he'll get a strong push and beat some real quality opponents in the months ahead. Quite probably will use the "demon side" as a Mick Foley/Cactus Jack type multiple personality thing rather than every week as some have speculated.

I do enjoy Balor and his ring work especially but everything about him screams "this is a future Vince/Dunn project" to me and Vince has reportedly been looking to really get his teeth into another character after the failure of Roman Reigns.
Yeah totally forgot the NOD and Rock. Back then the WWF/E was on fire. The more i think of it the more I can remember now.

I hope your right with Finn I think its the fresh talent on NXT that will make WWE better all round if they are managed well. I dont think in say 5 years times they will be calling for The Rock or a past star to come back and headline Wrestlemania if not earlier than that. I say this in hope but with WWE you just cant say. The talent is there now. They just need to get rid of the dead wood.
The guys that need to go Kane , Big Show , Mark Henry for certain. Also within 3 to 5 years I would love to see Orton , Cena and Sheamus all going or being moved further down the card to name a few. No more rolling out The Undertaker , HBK , Rock, Sting and Austin for the big shows just to add on PPV buys most wrestling fans old and new would rather see the WWE making and showcasing the new Superstars.

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