Hiya pal,any chance of a reply to my question? why,as an adult,do you find it interesting/entertaining? I'm genuinely curious?
To give you a sincere answer,
It helps that I liked it as a kid for starters, back when it was in its pomp. Plus a lot of my friends like it (way more than I do) so it's always something that's going to be in my field of attention somewhat.
When I think about it the simplest answer is to say it's just entertainment, at least to me. Obviously it's manufactured to a tee, but then again it's no more fake than the X Factor or BGT as far as I'm concerned and millions can watch that without question. As long as I don't know who wins and it isn't so poorly put together that I can tell it's fake (which is a common problem tbh) then what's it matter? It's just like the superhero movies but with the stigma of liking it still attached.
I don't watch the weekly shows; only the occasional PPVs as there are loads of flaws for me with the weekly shows but that's more down to production than the fact it's professional wrestling. I'm not enough of a mark as they say to get that invested. I do keep tabs though just in case something interesting is going on, and so I can follow the PPVs.
There's more I could go into, like how 'real' it actually can be. Plus, I actually went a few years without watching any of it but since I started watching a lot more stand-up comedy I've really been able to appreciate the art form behind it all. If a good match can suspend my disbelief then it is a big achievement worth watching in my book. But honestly the only things that
really matter to why I individually might like it is in the first two paragraphs. I could probably eulogise about it but then I personally would be being disingenuous.
Normally when someone asks me the question I pass it off to a bigger fan or something. But if I'm out of options I recommend they watch this thing called 'Wrestling isn't Wrestling' (
). It's light hearted so should be an easy watch. You may very well not like it, and it almost certainly won't get you into wrestling. But it will give you a really good idea and understanding of why other people might like it.