George Galloway | Wins Rochdale Bi-Election (p4)

Point of order Soeaker. He’s not antisemetic, he’s anti Zionist. If you don’t know that you can read up in it. He is also the nvolved jy many left wing Israelis who also despise Zionism. Galloway is many things, anti semetic ain’t one of them.
What a load of shite. He’s literally been investigated for comments he’s made and sacked from previous jobs for being anti semitic.
Apparently he had different leaflets for different areas of Rochdale.

Gaza was the main focus of the leaflets he sent out in some areas, while in other areas it was all about local issues.
Smart man, he is an opportunist cnut but a clever and devious one.
I think taking land from Palestinians and giving it to incoming Europeans was not a great idea. Doesn't mean I hate Jews.
It wasn’t the taking of the land, so much as the complete lack of consideration for the peoole it displaced. The formation of the state of Israel didn’t have to end like this.

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