Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news p21

Re: Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news

Cake said:
We found out today that Dad only has a month or two left with us. We are all devastated as you can imagine, things seemed to be going so well for him after such a long battle. Still struggling to get head round fact that he won't be here to see me get married in October or to see City kick off their first ever champions league game. I am beyond gutted, I am going to lose my best friend.
he'll always be with you and city my friend, hopefully tomorrow he will witness the start of a revolution
Re: Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news

Am so sorry to hear that cake. Hope we do the business for him and many others tomorrow , though it does put football in perspective. very best wishes to you and yours - bumble.
Re: Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news

Really sad news mate, hope we win the cup for him tomorrow. Watched this thread since you first posted. Just puts things into perspective when im pissed off because i cant get a Cup Final ticket.

Chin up mate, CTID
Re: Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news

Don't mean to get all religious, but I'm sorry for the news. I'll say a prayer for you guys. I haven't commented yet but I have been following this thread. Stay positive.
Re: Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news

so sorry for you mate. maybe you could bring the wedding forward. maybe have a registry office ceremony with a buffet at a local bar/pub that he can attend if he's up to it and still do the one in october. do as much as you can together now. loads of photo's and happy memories. get the camcorder out too.
Re: Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news

First time I've seen this thread and it's a real pleasure to read all the posts, support and kind words.
Sometimes when these things are drawn out like this it can, without doubt be the most trying of times for all involved or affected.
Our family lost a 12 year old last year to a vigorous brain tumor that unfortunately meant a very quick end to his life over a period of 6 weeks after diagnosis.
I don't know what's best, fast or slow with the potential for a full recovery or some sort of extended life?
Either way Cake I hope to god everything possible is done to help your dad.
All the best wishes to everybody affected and here's hoping City can add a little relief to your anguish tomorrow.
Really sorry to hear that news cake.

Try not to let thoughts of how sad you'll be when he's gone dominate the time you have left with him, try to keep focused on the present and appreciate the fact he's here now, today.

Will spare a thought for your family tomorrow Blue - hopefully we can lift the cup and your dad will be able to enjoy it.

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