Getting a beer...

Stadium catering is difficult for obvious reasons that I'm sure I don't need to detail, however it can be done to a decent standard if clubs are prepared to change the way they operate in this area.
As an example, in a London stadium around ten years ago we virtually doubled the wages (from £4.80 to £7.50 per hour) to attract a better calibre of staff.
At the same time staff numbers were cut by about 25%, allowing the operation to have better quality staff but staying within the wage budget.
Along with other initiatives eg simplifying the menus and increasing the number of serving points (tills) in one season the concourse operation doubled its turnover and increased profitability expotentially.
It is possible, but some radical thinking needs to be applied, rather than simply doing things "the way we always have done" which seems to be the mantra at a lot of football clubs.
When I have occasionally decided to purchase a pint of fizzy piss, I have had no problem doing so.

I quite like a drink, to say the least, but if there was an occasion where I found it difficult to purchase said pint of fizzy piss in a plastic glass, I would just not bother.

As I'm not that desperate for a pint of fizzy piss in a plastic glass, that I can't wait til the match finishes.
I just wanted a foot long sausage ffs, not too much to ask

Not sure whos bright idea it was to reduce the number of urinals in CBlevel 3 toilets.
They have taken around 8 urinals out and put new additional wash basins in!
I have never seen anyone queuing for the wash basins at any ground!!
Not sure whos bright idea it was to reduce the number of urinals in CBlevel 3 toilets.
They have taken around 8 urinals out and put new additional wash basins in!
I have never seen anyone queuing for the wash basins at any ground!!

Just catering for the increased number of "sink pissers" . Forward thinking CITEH ;-)
I was 4th in the queue at half time East Stand Level 3 asked for a hot dog with onions. Spent a minute or so while the young girl looked for a with onions button on the till, Told her it was the same price. She then asked the catering team for a hot dog with onions and I heard the reply "tell him they are finished" 4th in the queue and I am expected to believe they have finished. Told her I could accept an excuse along the lines of sorry we cocked up and we have no onions on the go but to try and con me with a they are finished excuse on the stroke of half time is a joke. Fan Fayre are garbage.
The worst part and I'm sorry if this has already been covered but the fact that advertise those 24 pints in a minute machines INSIDE the stadium and only provide the service OUTSIDE the stadium totally blows my mind.
Not sure whos bright idea it was to reduce the number of urinals in CBlevel 3 toilets.
They have taken around 8 urinals out and put new additional wash basins in!
I have never seen anyone queuing for the wash basins at any ground!!
They've done exactly the same in East stand 3 ... maybe that's why they make it difficult to get a beer as there is a lack of urinals to deal with the inevitable consequences !!??

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