Gillette Proglide blades v wetshave razors..

Tesco’s normally do deals on Gillette blades every so often I got two packs of fusion blades for £14-50 I think it was,although will say they don’t last as long nowadays as a few years back,also find nivea shaving gel ( sensitive skin white tin ) the best but that may not be the case for others ...
Fill sink with red hot water and put brush and razor in to warm and then take your shower and wash your face as a minimum, preferably exfoliate with a scrub.

This is a must and as a minimum wash your face with hot water and soap if not showering.

Shake brush off and spend 5 mins creating a nice lather in soap dish that your soap will come in anyway or in a dish if you are using creme which you wont need a lot off and just use the moisture in the brush after shaking it off with a drop of water added if its too dry.

once thats done wet the face again with hot water is key, it opens the pores and then lather your face up making sure you use the bristles on the brush to stimulate the hairs as it will make them stand up.

I now run hot water and wet/clean the razor head in between each pass.

DE razors are heavy for a reason, the blade sharp as fuck for a reason so be gentle and use a light touch. No need to dig in or push or pull, let it glide and let it cut the hairs as designed, not rip them out. Shave with the grain always first pass. That will give you a great shave mate and dependant on your growth can last most guys a couple of days if not too fussy.

baby smooth as above but after first pass wet face, hot water again and go from one side to the other.

3rd pass the other way and for a 4th, go against but very very lightly.

Do that for a night out, pre shag or you want a shave that will last you for a good few days.

Afterwards rinse with cold water always, use a styptic pencil for any nicks if you get the odd one which shouldn't happen if you do it right and always always use a post shave moisturiser.

It takes no longer than a normal shave once you have your routine and confident and its the best shave you will ever have and will save you a fortune cash wise.

Seams strange to agree with a post from you BI but this is spot on. I use a Dovo, Solingen blade. Took a few goes to get used to it especially on the ‘opposite’ side of the face when you have to go backhanded but now I wouldn’t use anything else. Even sharpen my own blade.
Seams strange to agree with a post from you BI but this is spot on. I use a Dovo, Solingen blade. Took a few goes to get used to it especially on the ‘opposite’ side of the face when you have to go backhanded but now I wouldn’t use anything else. Even sharpen my own blade.

Just had a baby smooth 3 pass

I had better get me some tonight ;-)
Get a Philips one blade. Best thing I have bought

Then if I want a close shave, I use my safety razor with the derby blades
I used a safety razor a few times on my head, 45mins later and a lot of blood loss, I have a semi-decent shave.

It's not for me.
I tried my new kit out fitted with feather blade today as both sets of blades arrived by post. Was mindful of how sharp they are. My face got away nick free and close enough. However, I got a few small cuts on my neck. Still waiting for the badger bristle brush so I had to lather the Taylor's soap by hand. I definitely need to work on perfecting a single blade razor but first shave is decent bar a few neck nicks.
I tried my new kit out fitted with feather blade today as both sets of blades arrived by post. Was mindful of how sharp they are. My face got away nick free and close enough. However, I got a few small cuts on my neck. Still waiting for the badger bristle brush so I had to lather the Taylor's soap by hand. I definitely need to work on perfecting a single blade razor but first shave is decent bar a few neck nicks.

Ideal angle is 30 degrees mate but you will soon get the hang of it.

Imagine you are shaving a balloon and you will get the sense of pressure you need because the weight of the razor and the blade is doing the work.

Its why we say 2/3/4 pass shaves because each pass isn't to get it all off, its about reducing the beard with minimal irritation.
Thanks @BlueMoonRisin' for the link.

Birthday coming up so I thought I’d treat myself to a decent razor....not too expensive but around the £30 mark.

Think this was mentioned on this thread - good shout? The Japanese razor also mentioned (forget the brand...) looks great but bit pricey atm...

Merkur 23C Long Handle Safety Razor - No Blades Included

And a decent brush (badger hair) for around a tenner?
I’ve found some nice cedar wood cream & a bowl....

Tesco’s normally do deals on Gillette blades every so often I got two packs of fusion blades for £14-50 I think it was,although will say they don’t last as long nowadays as a few years back,also find nivea shaving gel ( sensitive skin white tin ) the best but that may not be the case for others ...
Nivea is dipper territory mate, please re think your purchase

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