Global Warming

twinkletoes said:
brand blue heavies said:
Tree rings recently studied from the Roman times suggest the temperatures back then were exactly the same..if not warmer than they are today!

So i summize that this change going on is not entirely man made at all..its a culmination of lots of things both Natural(inc animal farts) and man made pollutants.

Face it. Both sides can argue til the cows come home but the facts remain this is the natural cycle of this planet and whatever we do we are not going to stop it. Man isn`t at fault here but we certainly have the our hands on the temperature dial and were turning it in the wrong direction.

I think Damocles' explanation is easy to understand.

Think of it this way, if an athlete goes from bulky to ripped over the course of a long period, you can say that its probably natural. If an athlete goes from bulky to ripped in six weeks, you can be pretty sure that he's on steroids.

The Earth being the athlete and the steroids are CO2.

Yessss i kinda get that however my point about the temperature doesn`t quite fall into that explanation..Roman times being like 1AD and us being today. I understand that man has developed the means to affect climate change to an extent but the arguement still remains. Its happening anyway its just that man has possibly chucked something into it thats altered something. I do however agree with his points on sea level changes. He`s far too clever for me and i dont understand all he says but regardless my view stands that the eart is going through a cycle and regardless of mans minute input its not going to change or reverse.
The Sun is dying anyway, so who gives a shit. In the scheme of things, we're all fucked anyway......eventually.

So what does it matter, really.
brand blue heavies said:
Tree rings recently studied from the Roman times suggest the temperatures back then were exactly the same..if not warmer than they are today!

So they can get a chopped down tree from thousands of years ago and tell us what the weather was like but can't tell us what it's going to be like next week.
brand blue heavies said:
twinkletoes said:
brand blue heavies said:
Tree rings recently studied from the Roman times suggest the temperatures back then were exactly the same..if not warmer than they are today!

So i summize that this change going on is not entirely man made at all..its a culmination of lots of things both Natural(inc animal farts) and man made pollutants.

Face it. Both sides can argue til the cows come home but the facts remain this is the natural cycle of this planet and whatever we do we are not going to stop it. Man isn`t at fault here but we certainly have the our hands on the temperature dial and were turning it in the wrong direction.

I think Damocles' explanation is easy to understand.

Think of it this way, if an athlete goes from bulky to ripped over the course of a long period, you can say that its probably natural. If an athlete goes from bulky to ripped in six weeks, you can be pretty sure that he's on steroids.

The Earth being the athlete and the steroids are CO2.

Yessss i kinda get that however my point about the temperature doesn`t quite fall into that explanation..Roman times being like 1AD and us being today. I understand that man has developed the means to affect climate change to an extent but the arguement still remains. Its happening anyway its just that man has possibly chucked something into it thats altered something. I do however agree with his points on sea level changes. He`s far too clever for me and i dont understand all he says but regardless my view stands that the eart is going through a cycle and regardless of mans minute input its not going to change or reverse.

I can say without fear of contradiction, that Julius Caesar wasnt on steroids.
Hamann Pineapple said:
brand blue heavies said:
Tree rings recently studied from the Roman times suggest the temperatures back then were exactly the same..if not warmer than they are today!

So they can get a chopped down tree from thousands of years ago and tell us what the weather was like but can't tell us what it's going to be like next week.

Yep. Just like the concept of Time Travel you can go back..but you cant go forward cos it aint happened yet.
Ice cores from the Artic can tell you loads of shit from what was happening thousands of years ago.
brand blue heavies said:
I do however agree with his points on sea level changes.
Do you? Because he sounds like a deranged fucking maniac when talking about sea level changes. He's talking about 60m rises. That's every last bit of ice melted. That includes the East Antarctic ice sheet for which we have no evidence of it losing mass on average i.e. sea levels will not rise as a result (though it might be losing surface area very very slowly - thus contributing to temperature rises very very slowly) It will take many many thousands of years for it to melt if it did. He talks about how Manchester might be under water. Manchester might not exist by then. The human race might be busy colonising the galaxy in several thousand years, or the solar system at least.

-- Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:23 pm --

brand blue heavies said:
Yep. Just like the concept of Time Travel you can go back..but you cant go forward cos it aint happened yet.
Not even slightly true.
Skashion said:
brand blue heavies said:
I do however agree with his points on sea level changes.
Do you? Because he sounds like a deranged fucking maniac when talking about sea level changes. He's talking about 60m rises. That's every last bit of ice melted. That includes the East Antarctic ice sheet for which we have no evidence of it losing mass on average i.e. sea levels will not rise as a result (though it might be losing surface area very very slowly - thus contributing to temperature rises very very slowly) It will take many many thousands of years for it to melt if it did. He talks about how Manchester might be under water. Manchester might not exist by then. The human race might be busy colonising the galaxy in several thousand years, or the solar system at least.

Ok perhaps not to the extent that he mentions but his theory in principle is happening already. Ok i dont forsee Manchester underwater within the next few millenium but coastal areas eroding to such an extent that the shape of the country changes? Maybe

-- Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:23 pm --

brand blue heavies said:
Yep. Just like the concept of Time Travel you can go back..but you cant go forward cos it aint happened yet.
Not even slightly true.

Yes it is.
brand blue heavies said:
Yes it is.
There is not one proven way to travel backwards in time. Travelling very very slowly forwards in time relative to all the stationary objects around you is well-established. It's called time dilation. Travelling forwards into the future is a matter of practicality not theory. Backwards time travel is not yet possible even in theory.

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