GMP F*** Up Again

1_barry_conlon said:
Skashion said:
Has anyone done a study of football hooligans and their income levels? It'd be interesting to see. Not that I agree with this numpty anyway. He'd have the vast majority of decent fans on working class wages priced out of football just so he can get rid of hooligans. Which, even if it is true that hooligans have disproportionately low incomes with respect to the average City fan, seems to be overkill. I've read Guvnors and I know Mickey Francis was on a decent wage when he got nicked but he didn't really talk about the wages the other lads were on.

You would be surprised at the occupations of persons that used to be involved. Accountants, solicitors and yes, even cops. I personally knew a dentist as well who was involved. Which was quite convenient for some actually. Like all things in life it's a cross section of society which is why it makes me smile when i hear some of the descriptions of persons involved as if they were all knuckle dragging neanderthals. But then again stereotyping is also a human trait.
The top boy of Carlisle United's firm in the 1980s was the Duke of Penrith. Most of this crew were actually gardeners and under butlers from his estate on overtime but they were still pretty handy.
Only read the first 5 pages of this thread but I have to congratulate everyone on some top class comedy.

Top class, 12 year old "I was there and well up for it" nonsense.

Back to school tomorrow, chaps. I bet the dinner ladies will be well impressed of the stories about how you picked up a police van with one hand whilst battering 20 rags with the other.

sweynforkbeard said:
1_barry_conlon said:
You would be surprised at the occupations of persons that used to be involved. Accountants, solicitors and yes, even cops. I personally knew a dentist as well who was involved. Which was quite convenient for some actually. Like all things in life it's a cross section of society which is why it makes me smile when i hear some of the descriptions of persons involved as if they were all knuckle dragging neanderthals. But then again stereotyping is also a human trait.
The top boy of Carlisle United's firm in the 1980s was the Duke of Penrith. Most of this crew were actually gardeners and under butlers from his estate on overtime but they were still pretty handy.

I got locked up there in 83 when we played them. Not once did i think it was for snotting the nobility of cumbria. You learn something new everyday. I often wondered why their mob were wearing suits of armour and carrying heraldic banners whilst shouting 'gadzooks'
1_barry_conlon said:
sweynforkbeard said:
The top boy of Carlisle United's firm in the 1980s was the Duke of Penrith. Most of this crew were actually gardeners and under butlers from his estate on overtime but they were still pretty handy.

I got locked up there in 83 when we played them. Not once did i think it was for snotting the nobility of cumbria. You learn something new everyday. I often wondered why their mob were wearing suits of armour and carrying heraldic banners whilst shouting 'gadzooks'

Nothing compared to Lord Bath steaming in with the Longleat firm. Some real game fuckers in that mob. They would never run; hearts of tigers, lions and wolves that lot.
Skashion said:
1_barry_conlon said:
I got locked up there in 83 when we played them. Not once did i think it was for snotting the nobility of cumbria. You learn something new everyday. I often wondered why their mob were wearing suits of armour and carrying heraldic banners whilst shouting 'gadzooks'

Nothing compared to Lord Bath steaming in with the Longleat firm. Some real game fuckers in that mob. They would never run; hearts of tigers, lions and wolves that lot.

Shame we never bumped into Baron Montagu of Beaulieu. At least we could have checked out his classic car collection.
Only way they can effectively police it at Coms is by forcing rags who get tickets to be bussed in (like they do at Newcastle Sunderland for example), we've run the gauntlet at OT in the past, but much easier nowadays as 3k of us is not a big dent in 76k crowd. Both clubs still got their "lets be brave when in numbers brigade", and as usual, some poor f*cker who is minding his or her own business cops for it. Wonder how many of the wannabee hoolies would have fancied their chances back in the 70's - not many I'll bet.<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:57 pm --<br /><br />Only way they can effectively police it at Coms is by forcing rags who get tickets to be bussed in (like they do at Newcastle Sunderland for example), we've run the gauntlet at OT in the past, but much easier nowadays as 3k of us is not a big dent in 76k crowd. Both clubs still got their "lets be brave when in numbers brigade", and as usual, some poor f*cker who is minding his or her own business cops for it. Wonder how many of the wannabee hoolies would have fancied their chances back in the 70's - not many I'll bet.
Oh Jesus. Even though I laughed a lot at the thought of horse shit being thrown at them, fuck knows what they're going to give us next season at OT!

Didn't see any trouble whatsoever.

Although I got told off before the game; As someone who has been to the swamp a fair few times over the past few seasons, you know that it's horrible walking near their ground. So I thought, why not sing City songs near them lot as they enter the ground. We weren't going to kick off, and they would have been stupid to because of the amount of police presence.

There was only 6 of us, and we saw 2 reds with the GAY scarf on, so we shouted something a long the lines of 'whats going on here? Thought we were playing United, not Norwich' and the two reds actually smiled. Fair enough. A copper stops me and says 'any more of that sunshine and you'll be arrested.'

I mean, c'mon. What's all that about?

Walked on, as I am a lover, not a fighter!
mcfc liam:

My apologies for the confusion which started which arose when the latter part of my posts about the youtube 'mob gives coppers kicking' vid was attributed to you in error by me instead of scottyboi, who was the intended target, as others quickly picked up on.

In my senility I confused the two of you, which goes to prove I shouldn't be fighting on more than one front at a time so to speak - but it's down to senility as i said and not periods, as some other cheeky xxxxxx said. Oh that was you! Shadygiz got it right with the 'it'll be the medication kicking in' comment - the only way I can tolerate City is with liberal doses of morphine! Literally at the moment unfortunately but if I have any spare I'm open to offers.

I accept you're not a hooligan, but by way of explanation it was your 'Hope they got to United and kicked the fuck out of every single one of them' comment that got my goat. As I said my real annoyance was with scottyboi and when you came into 'debate' I should have ignored your comments for the purposes of replying and instead concentrated on him.

End of really, as said in all of this the one who really got my goat was scottyboi who went way over the top with what he posted. Apologies again for inadvertently linking him to you when posting earlier.
Stevies Bald Head! said:
Tbh, this so called mob that was charging police lines was 80% shirters fuming after the result.

Police acted like neandethals because they had to, they fucked up keeping them inside so had to take extreme methods of crown control outside.

The mob of city were not hooligans, i mean come on, they could have easily walked round the police lines and got to the united fans. It was wannabee hard men getting pushed into police line by the pussys at the back.

It was enivitable after that result and police tactics.

this is spot on. most of the mob were just standing there looking angry. was actually laughing at seeing some weedy lad with glasses that looked about 7 shouting 'city aggro'.

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