
ElanJo said:
BlueMoonie said:
Yes i know this had been done before, many many times, but im looking for someone who has an understanding of religion to explain their point of view, i fully cant comprehend an existance of god at all, yes i am atheist. I understand a lot of physical theories on creation etc, but love the thought of religion, i would be religious if i could accept it, i just find it impossible, so :) convince me.

I dont want this to turn into a slanging match healthy debate please, anyone religious or not whats your point of view?

Think before you post, dont slag off each others opinions :D

ok blues, enlighten me


Why not?
ElanJo said:
BlueMoonie said:
Yes i know this had been done before, many many times, but im looking for someone who has an understanding of religion to explain their point of view, i fully cant comprehend an existance of god at all, yes i am atheist. I understand a lot of physical theories on creation etc, but love the thought of religion, i would be religious if i could accept it, i just find it impossible, so :) convince me.

I dont want this to turn into a slanging match healthy debate please, anyone religious or not whats your point of view?

Think before you post, dont slag off each others opinions :D

ok blues, enlighten me


Cos he asked, that's why...you must be a believer. You thank him in your location tag......so, go ahead....
ElanJo said:
BlueMoonie said:
Yes i know this had been done before, many many times, but im looking for someone who has an understanding of religion to explain their point of view, i fully cant comprehend an existance of god at all, yes i am atheist. I understand a lot of physical theories on creation etc, but love the thought of religion, i would be religious if i could accept it, i just find it impossible, so :) convince me.

I dont want this to turn into a slanging match healthy debate please, anyone religious or not whats your point of view?

Think before you post, dont slag off each others opinions :D

ok blues, enlighten me


Peace of mind and the thought of existing for a purpose. I imagine. There's a reason religion is so popular.
BlueMoonie said:
I would be religious if i could accept it, i just find it impossible, so convince me.
The whole point of religion is the belief in something that cannot be proven. You can't convince someone to believe, although many try to persuade. Belief is something you either have or you don't.
There must be a god otherwise how else can you explain my being endowed with such an incredibly large penis. In evolutionary/Darwinian terms there is no purpose for a member so large that it proper scares ladies, but there it is all the same - in his own image?
pee dubya said:
ElanJo said:

Peace of mind and the thought of existing for a purpose. I imagine. There's a reason religion is so popular.

By your definition it could be suggested that religion is a mechanism for self comfort. While the merits of this can be debated, does it lend anything to the notion of God as a devine being responsible for the creation of everything in the universe?
savo said:
ElanJo said:

Why not?

Why?<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:36 am --<br /><br />
Gaudino said:
ElanJo said:

Cos he asked, that's why...you must be a believer. You thank him in your location tag......so, go ahead....

Cos he asked? err what? The part I am replying to I marked in bold.

I must be a believer? lol, you obviously haven't read any of the other 10 billion threads about God and religion ;)
ElanJo said:
savo said:


There was a bloke in court recently. .

This is what he did,

He visited a young girl in the night and got her pregnant.

The thing is the young girl knew nothing about it until s doctor told her she was with child. The girl could not believe it. She had not given consent for anybody to have sex with her. She can’t even remember anybody having sex with her. She thought she must have been raped in her sleep

Anyway after the baby was born they did a DNA test and the police tried to match it with DNA profiles already on the Database.

They did find a match and quickly went and arrested the man involved.

He was charged with having sex with this girl against her will and was remanded in custody.

In court he pleaded guilty and was sent to prison for 5 years

The child Support agency are also building a case against him for when he gets out to

I don’t know today’s MODERN world eh? in the old days he would have been probably been worshiped or something . . . .

sorry if that offends anybody. the point im trying to make is that if the story of "god" and the virgin birth was played out in todays society and with our modern laws then he would in trouble.

I do believe that the is something more but my personal opinion is that GOD as we are taught believe in him just does not exsist.

But everybody has the right to believe what they want and I respect that.
savo said:
pee dubya said:
Peace of mind and the thought of existing for a purpose. I imagine. There's a reason religion is so popular.

By your definition it could be suggested that religion is a mechanism for self comfort. While the merits of this can be debated, does it lend anything to the notion of God as a devine being responsible for the creation of everything in the universe?

No, organised religion is a load of bullshit. In my opinion of course.

The existence of some form of creator seems very slightly more plausible to me, but only because i have no understanding of the origin of stuff. If i studied and understood the current theory of such a subject i'd maybe become as convinced as i am that evolutionary theory is perfectly real and logical, and has resulted in us.

If the matter which makes up our Universe was created by a 'God', i still can't see any purpose in worshiping it.

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