
Ally.P said:
Ok well I believe in God and I go to church etc.

I would give it a go to explain my beliefs but I am worried I will get completely shot down and ridiculed.


No you wont m8. Most of us are adult enough to had a resoned debabte. give it a shot
Just my opinion...

Many, many years ago people had very few rights, horrible working conditions and were a bit thick. Learned men were men of the cloth. They were revered because they could read and write. They had power, a power that was only second to the King (although sometimes even the King bowed down to them).

God, and the teachings of Jesus gave the masses hope. Something to cling to in their mundane lives. From the priests point of view it gave them an easy way to control the masses. Everyone was a winner.

The trouble is some of the unwashed masses got cleverer. They started to learn. To question. The men in power didn't like this very much. They started to smite down the new intelligent people by proclaiming them as the work of the devil. There were enough thick people left to carry out their work.

But the clever people survived and now outnumber the thick people. Religion was doomed. Although their hold on the masses had been broken they still had pockets of power but very little influence.

On an historical note, there is more evidence that King Arthur existed than Jesus. I do believe there was a Jesus, or a man teaching the good word, in that area around that time. But his message has been taken over, changed and generally fucked about with by greedy men with their own agenda.

Still, each to their own and if anybody has faith i say good luck to them. If that faith has helped them then good luck to them as well. The churches do a lot of good, especially in the community. It just seems such an outlandish thought process to me though.
I'm not really bothered either way but I've watched a debate online between a prominent Atheist and an Oxbridge Theologist about the existance of (a) God and I can honestly say they reached a draw. Neither could disprove the other.
It's essentially who / what created the creator against how does something exist from nothing.

In truth, a fascinating question that is very unlikely to ever be answered in full during our own lifetime.
BulgarianPride said:
Damocles said:
The Egg

One thing is certain, we don't know what happens when we die, but everyone will find out.

why will we? if we just die and that's it you will never find out, you will just expire.

Having said all that, I believe in God and i will always do so.

why will you always do so, i find this intriguing<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:36 am --<br /><br />
100%manc said:
Ally.P said:
Ok well I believe in God and I go to church etc.

I would give it a go to explain my beliefs but I am worried I will get completely shot down and ridiculed.


No you wont m8. Most of us are adult enough to had a resoned debabte. give it a shot

agreed i'm all ears as well, tell me why i should believe?
I know loads of Catholics who believe in creationism AND Evolution.

To me, it just shows everything that is wrong with religion, or at best, the Catholic church.

What annoys me about Religion, is you HAVE to believe what they tell you to believe. If you decide to pick and choose what you believe in, its blasphemy. Why?

Im technically a Catholic. Do I believe God created the world in 7 days? Pigs fly. Do I believe that Jesus made 5 loaves of bread and 3 glasses of wine (or whatever it was) feed hundreds of folk? Thats just silly. Do I believe Christ rose from the dead? No.

But there are parts of the bible I do believe in, and I do believe in the spiritual side of what happens when we die. I have my beliefs, I respect the beliefs of others even if they differ from my own. What I dont respect, is the dictatorship that Religion has become.
markbmcfc said:
I know loads of Catholics who believe in creationism AND Evolution.

To me, it just shows everything that is wrong with religion, or at best, the Catholic church.

What annoys me about Religion, is you HAVE to believe what they tell you to believe. If you decide to pick and choose what you believe in, its blasphemy. Why?

Im technically a Catholic. Do I believe God created the world in 7 days? Pigs fly. Do I believe that Jesus made 5 loaves of bread and 3 glasses of wine (or whatever it was) feed hundreds of folk? Thats just silly. Do I believe Christ rose from the dead? No.

But there are parts of the bible I do believe in, and I do believe in the spiritual side of what happens when we die. I have my beliefs, I respect the beliefs of others even if they differ from my own. What I dont respect, is the dictatorship that Religion has become.

so what are your beliefs? what it is that clinched it for you
tonea2003 said:
markbmcfc said:
I know loads of Catholics who believe in creationism AND Evolution.

To me, it just shows everything that is wrong with religion, or at best, the Catholic church.

What annoys me about Religion, is you HAVE to believe what they tell you to believe. If you decide to pick and choose what you believe in, its blasphemy. Why?

Im technically a Catholic. Do I believe God created the world in 7 days? Pigs fly. Do I believe that Jesus made 5 loaves of bread and 3 glasses of wine (or whatever it was) feed hundreds of folk? Thats just silly. Do I believe Christ rose from the dead? No.

But there are parts of the bible I do believe in, and I do believe in the spiritual side of what happens when we die. I have my beliefs, I respect the beliefs of others even if they differ from my own. What I dont respect, is the dictatorship that Religion has become.

so what are your beliefs? what it is that clinched it for you

I suppose my beliefs could be considered to be seperate from believing in God. I believe in the spiritual side of life, I have family who have been for readings who have been told things by complete strangers that only people in our family could relate too, I havent had my own reading but I intend to. I guess from that, I believe in 'Heaven' or something similar.

I dont believe in the bible, its been rewritten so many times through history to cover up things that make christianity look bad, that I find it impossible to actually trust. I believe in the characters inside the bible, but not necessarily how they are portrayed. I dont believe Moses parted the red sea, and I do believe Jesus had a son.

At the end of the day, they are my beliefs, probably different to anyone elses, so let people have their beliefs and get on with it.
I think the religious writings - the bible, koran etc are just ways that less developed civilisations used to explain away the mysteries of life. I think that as we have evolved and learnt more about the science of our existence we have become sceptical about some of the explanations given when the books were written.

However, I also believe that there is something out there bigger than everything we currently understand, not necessarily God (for want of a better word) but certainly something must have created the universe.

In a previous thread about this I gave the example of a fish tank. The fish have no conception of the world outside of the tank and cannot, for example, imagine air breathing creatures. Do they view the person that feeds them as god?

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