
BulgarianPride said:
ElanJo said:
Imagine if everyone throughout history had held your position, that a mystery = "God dun it", and that believing that God is the cause of this mystery gave them piece of mind. This view of yours is very harmful. Life would be unbearable. Now, you may not harm anyone, you're just one person, but get enough people with this mindset and it's a different story.
Your belief may not cause harm but it is completely nonsensical.

Almost everyone in history had that view, and life did turn out pretty well for us.
Just because i say "God's done it" doesn't mean i don't want to learn how he's done it.
Like i said in my earlier posts, if you believe that a God created the universe, you can view science as trying to understand how this god created the universe.

Bang on.
Ally.P said:
BulgarianPride said:
Almost everyone in history had that view, and life did turn out pretty well for us.
Just because i say "God's done it" doesn't mean i don't want to learn how he's done it.
Like i said in my earlier posts, if you believe that a God created the universe, you can view science as trying to understand how this god created the universe.

Bang on.

Yes but Intelligent design is just crap (sorry). God did not create us, he did not put us in his form.

While i am on Intelligent design, there is nothing intelligent about our bodies. Life is just a program designed to evolve, how did this program originate, i have no idea. That is the only way you can insure that life continues to live on. If you create life without evolution it will die as soon as its creation environment changes. This is why we evolved to be "intelligent". We started out as any other "brainless" animals. Something occurred, a random mutation in our jaw muscle, or something else, that allowed our brains to grow. This random mutation is evolution. This "mutant" had a trait that every female liked and they wanted to mate with him. Their offspring inherits this mutation, which makes him irresistible to other females, giving him a bigger pool of mates to choose from. With our bigger brains we now have the potential for speech and other complex behavior. Later on when we developed societies, and food was easily accessible, we had a lot of spare time. What we did in this spare time was develop our brains. A few thousand of years pass by and we are here, our bodies haven't change for about 150 000 years. Only difference is the knowledge we've gathered that makes us "intelligent". I put that in quotes because the universe is 12-14 billion years old, and we've only existed for about 150 000 years. To put that in perspective, if the universe is 24 hours old, we've only existed for about 0.93sec. In that 0.93secs about 0.0308secs ( last 5000 years) were spend on developing science.
Quite insignificant...

The way i see it is God only appears at the point where there was nothing. Not even space-time existed. That is why there is a need for a god, if nothing existed how did it every thing originate?
if i am not mistaken, ElanJo thinks that the universe has always existed. Nothing can prove or disprove him so i can't really say anything there. It's possible... just as possible as a god has created it.
Ally.P said:
CTID1988 said:
All i can think to get my head round this is that people who believe in a god must have some psychological issues. I cope with loss with the usual grief, but to believe that when we die we go to a special little place in the clouds is just ridiculous.

One more thing, Noahs ark??? Were they taking the piss?? Two of EVERY species??? Mental

<a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot</a>

I don't believe that any of the bible till half way through Genesis roughly is stuff that actually happened.

Its all correspondential with an inner meaning. Like Aesop's Fables. Thats probably my Swedenborgian side coming out again but so be it.

That word, just like god, is surely made up.
Ally.P said:
BulgarianPride said:
Almost everyone in history had that view, and life did turn out pretty well for us.
Just because i say "God's done it" doesn't mean i don't want to learn how he's done it.
Like i said in my earlier posts, if you believe that a God created the universe, you can view science as trying to understand how this god created the universe.

Bang on.

no not bang on at all, until such times as you can prove any semblance of a gods existance the above is completely worthless

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