
Wasn't aimed at you BP, as you can see from my post I was addressing Ally, but doesn't the Bible make it your duty to spread the word of god?

-- Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:32 pm --

mammutly said:
tonea2003 said:
i do believe this was you

As regards defining God:

The unifying force. The connectedness of everything. The thing that is left when all noise and questions stop - an appreciation/realisation of oneness and completeness that the lattice of definition cannot really hold. To define God is to reduce God. Define perfect according to it's constituent parts? I think not EJ. Your question is rooted in what philosophers might term a category mistake.

thats what's ironic, by the way i'm not saying its lazy.

HaHa. The subtle ones are always the best...


However, my definition of God, though no doubt inadequately expressed, makes sense to me. You can subject it to dialectic analysis if you like, but that would be to miss the point. Get it?
That's a bit rich considering your previous responses in this thread.

Ps. There's a good prog on More4 at the moment, I'm sure you could get a little material to vent about from it.
mammutly said:
tonea2003 said:
i do believe this was you

As regards defining God:

The unifying force. The connectedness of everything. The thing that is left when all noise and questions stop - an appreciation/realisation of oneness and completeness that the lattice of definition cannot really hold. To define God is to reduce God. Define perfect according to it's constituent parts? I think not EJ. Your question is rooted in what philosophers might term a category mistake.

thats what's ironic, by the way i'm not saying its lazy.

HaHa. The subtle ones are always the best...


However, my definition of God, though no doubt inadequately expressed, makes sense to me. You can subject it to dialectic analysis if you like, but that would be to miss the point. Get it?

bullshit however you like to portray it.
tonea2003 said:
mammutly said:
HaHa. The subtle ones are always the best...


However, my definition of God, though no doubt inadequately expressed, makes sense to me. You can subject it to dialectic analysis if you like, but that would be to miss the point. Get it?

bullshit however you like to portray it.

It is what it is. You call it bullshit, I call it my belief.

Each to their own
All i can think to get my head round this is that people who believe in a god must have some psychological issues. I cope with loss with the usual grief, but to believe that when we die we go to a special little place in the clouds is just ridiculous.

One more thing, Noahs ark??? Were they taking the piss?? Two of EVERY species??? Mental

<a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot</a>
mammutly said:
tonea2003 said:
bullshit however you like to portray it.

It is what it is. You call it bullshit, I call it my belief.

Each to their own

obviously i should have said in my opinion, but belief without any semblance of proof seems quite bizzare.
you wouldn't do it with anything else in your life, so why this special exception
It`s probably to do with the constant brain washing from an early age...if this form of child abuse was outlawed and you were allowed to make a rational choice at say sixteen i bet there would`nt be many take the fairy tale route.
bluevengence said:
It`s probably to do with the constant brain washing from an early age...if this form of child abuse was outlawed and you were allowed to make a rational choice at say sixteen i bet there would`nt be many take the fairy tale route.

Spot on.
Ally.P said:
Ally.P said:
My version, absolutely. As an all-loving, all-forgiving God. Sure. Even without Swedenborg s interpretations I hope I would think the same.

Elanjo, I was simply saying that that is absolutely my version of God for me. I cant prove it but its what make sense to me. This doesnt make me brainless or closed minded. God can be whatever you want him to be, or not be, in your case.

You are making a mountain out of a molehill, me thinks.

If you believe X without having a reason for believing X then I'm sorry to say you are closed minded and you are acting brainlessly ON THIS ISSUE. I'm not saying this to offend you, I'm sure you're very bright, and I can tell you're a decent person just from the forum, but on this particular issue, like many people, you seem to compartmentalise. In other words, you treat the issue of belief in a god in a way that you don't in every other area of life (hense my example of the court case).
Again, I'm not trying to make you feel bad or mock you - I'd say the exact same thing to my brother or parents or mates - it's just that it's slightly frustrating and so perplexing to me how people can believe something to be true and yet admit that they have no reason whatsoever to do so.
I hope there's no hard feelings :)<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:23 pm --<br /><br />
BulgarianPride said:
ElanJo said:
It's amazing that you have the gall to call anyone, or anything said, "stupid" or "borderline retarded" when your reason for believing, when taken to it's logical conclusion, is self contradictory. You say we don't have enough knowledge about the universe and therefore you believe in a god (yet again, another argument from ignorance) but then the exact same thing could be said to come to the conclusion that the universe/reality is eternal or uncaused by a god. So, when faced with the unknown how exactly do you decipher what is true or false? The only reasonable answer is to suspend judgement and say "I don't know"

And that makes no sense at all.

I chose to believe. That is it. It might not make any sense to you or anyone else, but in my mind it does. Simple as that. Show me the conclusive evidence that shows that god does not exists, and then i will accept the fact that my believe was wrong, until then my believe stands.

Now if you call me deluded or that i have a lack of knowledge because of my believe, then you are simply full of shit (in general, not attacking you EJ) ! . Much rather believe in something that allows me to sleep. If that happens to be wrong, then be it. No harm was done to anyone.

Your conclusion that a god does not exists is base on what? Knowledge or ignorance?

"Show me the conclusive evidence that shows that god does not exists, and then i will accept the fact that my believe was wrong, until then my believe stands."

This is an Argument from Ignorance.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.skepdic.com/ignorance.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.skepdic.com/ignorance.html</a>
<a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance</a>

"Much rather believe in something that allows me to sleep. If that happens to be wrong, then be it. No harm was done to anyone. "

Imagine if everyone throughout history had held your position, that a mystery = "God dun it", and that believing that God is the cause of this mystery gave them piece of mind. This view of yours is very harmful. Life would be unbearable. Now, you may not harm anyone, you're just one person, but get enough people with this mindset and it's a different story.
Your belief may not cause harm but it is completely nonsensical.

"Your conclusion that a god does not exists is base on what? Knowledge or ignorance?"
My conclusion, as I've told you a few times before lol, is not that a god does not exist. The only time I will say that a particular God does not exist is if the description of the particular God in question is illogical.
CTID1988 said:
All i can think to get my head round this is that people who believe in a god must have some psychological issues. I cope with loss with the usual grief, but to believe that when we die we go to a special little place in the clouds is just ridiculous.

One more thing, Noahs ark??? Were they taking the piss?? Two of EVERY species??? Mental

<a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot</a>

I don't believe that any of the bible till half way through Genesis roughly is stuff that actually happened.

Its all correspondential with an inner meaning. Like Aesop's Fables. Thats probably my Swedenborgian side coming out again but so be it.
ElanJo said:
Imagine if everyone throughout history had held your position, that a mystery = "God dun it", and that believing that God is the cause of this mystery gave them piece of mind. This view of yours is very harmful. Life would be unbearable. Now, you may not harm anyone, you're just one person, but get enough people with this mindset and it's a different story.
Your belief may not cause harm but it is completely nonsensical.

Almost everyone in history had that view, and life did turn out pretty well for us.
Just because i say "God's done it" doesn't mean i don't want to learn how he's done it.
Like i said in my earlier posts, if you believe that a God created the universe, you can view science as trying to understand how this god created the universe.

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