Don't forget, John McDonald said "Tories should be confronted wherever they go".
As usual drop yourself into a thread with random comments with no relevence to the actual theme and try to shift the conversation.
Sorry mate but it has every relevance.
Some of the same posters so up in arms on this thread over Soubry being called a fascist and a Nazi have been using the same language on the brexit threads.
Its more than a tad hypocritical and its not trying to shift the conversation at all.
Im pleased they feel its a criminal offence as well and hopefully it might stop them from using the same language themselves in future?
Here is the group(s) he hangs with leaflet from today.
Now either they are pretty thick and bad at typing or the leaflet says that they stand for all the things not against them.
You are mixing 2 seperate issues, remainers being dicks.calling anyone who voted brexit a nazi is stupid, and pointless stifling of debate.
With respect no i am not mate.
You cant call one person a dick for using slurs like this and another a criminal.
Sorry but that really is cake and eat it territory.
A bit of humility and holding hands up on this issue wouldn't go amiss imo.
Goddard was also a dick for calling Soubry “a Nazi”. His actual crime was a public order offence. You’re comparing apples and oranges.
I watched that video and other than walk down the street calling them names i fail to see a public order offence other than Soubry and others demanded the police see one which at the time they didn't and its took days for them to do so which frankly stinks.
Goddard and his crew are fucking racist cretins, make no mistake but the fact remains on this issue, some on here, not many, are all up in arms because an MP got called a name they have no issue with using themselves as and when it suits them and they feel they have the right to decide who and who cant be called it.
Its hypocritical and its wrong because being called it is offensive regardless of the platform as i said last night.
An apple is an apple and on that i will remove myself from the thread.
But if you call a nazi a nazi, surely that isn't wrong or offensive, but a necessary measure.