Travelling alone is ok, think your own thoughts and do what you like within reason.
You could have a fantastic time or it could be a bit dull.
A couple of things, any hint of trouble, wherrever you are, drink up and leave, don't get involved.
Be friendly with people but don't get involved in any drinking games, make an excuse and leave. Stay in control.
Also, I never take all my shekels out with me, just what I think I might need for the night + 10,% , I leave the rest back at the hotel.
I have done a fair bit of travelling solo, I try not to annoy the rest of the world and hope that it doesn't interfere with me. I have had the odd thing stolen, but very trivial really(a couple of t - shirts) I also got scammed once for about £25 (quite clever it was).
So go, be a bit streetwise and stay in control.
Have a great time.