going baldish...

all my family have M heads...

where is recedes on either side but stays in the middle..

i look like a dick with short hair, but with long it shows off the M headness

myleftfoot said:
the really big question tho is - who has got a steve mclaren hairdo?

the little island of hair at the front surrounded by a sea of flesh.

come on, own up you will only make it worse in the long run!!

I believe it's called a "widow's peak".

On a personal note mine started going when I was 20 but it happened really slowly so I didn't notice the extent of it over the next decade. Makes me laugh when I look back at photos from my mid 20s to thirties and it's like Homer when he was a teenager, high forehead etc (the clues were there). Wish I'd had the bottle to just shave the lot off back then, my face was slim enough in those days to get away with it and would have saved a fortune in Mousse.
I'm 27 and thin on top, never bothered me really (honest). Only problem with me is i'm greying at a rate of knotts too plus I look a twat with a shaved head. I just can't win!!!

Ill tough it out for a while longer before i MAKE A TRIP TO wigs 'r' us.

Don't know why I shouted the middle bit of my last sentance: (
myleftfoot said:
the really big question tho is - who has got a steve mclaren hairdo?

the little island of hair at the front surrounded by a sea of flesh.

come on, own up you will only make it worse in the long run!!

Had a mate years ago in London. He was known to all as CANVEY (as in island). Never new what his proper name was.
Do you boys plan on going bald gracefully or trying various things to prevent it/ cover it?

I'll give a med or two a crack I recdon

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