myleftfoot said:
widows' peak?

is that cos its only ever seen on dead men? :)

A widows peak is just a small piece of hair that protrudes from your hairline at the front, like a tiny V shape. Not what Schteve or Shearer have.
Arthur Scargill used to take three Shredded Wheats. He'd eat two and wear the other on his head

The Fat el Hombre said:
Do you boys plan on going bald gracefully or trying various things to prevent it/ cover it?

I'll give a med or two a crack I recdon

If I was going bald I'd just shave it off. Honestly don't see how any of the meds can help and surely if they could there'd be a lot less bald blokes out there. I don't know much about the meds although from what I do know they are expensive.

One of my mates went bald at 22/23, there were rumours he was trying various products but no one ever mentions it.
svennis pennis said:
myleftfoot said:
widows' peak?

is that cos its only ever seen on dead men? :)

A widows peak is just a small piece of hair that protrudes from your hairline at the front, like a tiny V shape. Not what Schteve or Shearer have.

TheMightyQuinn said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Do you boys plan on going bald gracefully or trying various things to prevent it/ cover it?

I'll give a med or two a crack I recdon

If I was going bald I'd just shave it off. Honestly don't see how any of the meds can help and surely if they could there'd be a lot less bald blokes out there. I don't know much about the meds although from what I do know they are expensive.

One of my mates went bald at 22/23, there were rumours he was trying various products but no one ever mentions it.

Stevie Ireland?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, worth a crack. They released some stuff a while back which I can't remember the name of which was s'posed to work on a lot of blokes.
The Fat el Hombre said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
If I was going bald I'd just shave it off. Honestly don't see how any of the meds can help and surely if they could there'd be a lot less bald blokes out there. I don't know much about the meds although from what I do know they are expensive.

One of my mates went bald at 22/23, there were rumours he was trying various products but no one ever mentions it.

Stevie Ireland?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, worth a crack. They released some stuff a while back which I can't remember the name of which was s'posed to work on a lot of blokes.

Lol I'm one of the few on here who isn't mates with Stevie!

I reckon I'd probably give products a try, money permitting, but I'd be quite sceptical.

Most of the lads on here under 30 needn't worry though, I read a while back that the male hairline changes during your twenties into a 'mature hairline', which I think is a bit of receding hairline but nothing major. I only know that though due to the fact I was convinced I was losing my hair!

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