Goldenballs Beckham

not my fault! said:
SalfordCityBlue said:
not my fault! said:
2) He isnt shite, and could do us a job (dont think SWP's heart is with us anymore).

What are you basing that on mate?

Seems a bizarre thing to say to me...

Just things I have heard and things some others have said on here a few times. Plus what he said to that guy who was in Kasak (sp) with the England squad.... Just cant see him being with us much longer.
SWPs heart is not in it anymore, yet Beckham's would be?????????????
Kinky by name said:
stop it with the shite... he isn't even a footballer any more; he's a joke
dude you have never been so right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECKS IS UNWANTED,now he wants out of galaxy.... he shouldn t even play for england -the clown,the media once again call for a hero- and they ll hang him again once he does wrong- keep the ex rag out of city(if he joins... feck it i ll support everton) sorry,excuse me.. got angry there!
No really, were going too far!!!
invite his reps to enquire, meet them and tell them to do one while laughing rolling on the floor legs kicking etc....
I'd take him for many of reasons. He is a walking cashpoint. He makes whatever club he goes to pots of cash in an instant. He would put us on the map all around the world more than a Robinho or Tevez would and he has still got world class about him. His crossing is still spot on and his work rate is immense. There are better options, but there's no other player who could do other great things for a football club like he can.
glynn said:
would you have him at city

tin hat time

Tin hat's will be useless, how deep is the white house bunker ?

Then go down a few more levels just incase lol
citizens_1976 said:
I'd take him for many of reasons. He is a walking cashpoint. He makes whatever club he goes to pots of cash in an instant. .

Totally agree, because we are totally skint and need loads and loads of money don't we....................


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