Gooch Gang

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invisible man i only told ppl about the link so ppl no i aint talking shit like most on here
who only no about gangs from the papers i grew up with this shit
and i was man enough to walk away when my son was born
but still a got jumped in jjb for being friends with certain ppl i have never shot any1

The question that needs to be asked Brad is how can young men have so little confidence in themselves that they feel the need to join a gang? I realise the peer pressure must be immense but it only takes a few to stand up for themselves & say no to that way of life surely. Or do these guys genuinely aspire to the apparent power they get as a gang member? If this is the case, this is what I find really sad as surely this cannot be really what they want out of life.

most of the guys come from nothing (smack ead mums no dads etc) and have nothing so most ppl jump on the band wagon maybe start sellin drugs to gain money for the FAMILY

cheesy m8 wud u stand up to these guys they are feared throughout GTR MCR
once they gain them self a little rep and get a bit of money then the girls come then power as bigga said

by this time everyone has heard about u and ppl respect u and there is no turning bak cause a soon as the opposition c u its ON

hope it help u understend a bit better

most of the guys come from nothing (smack ead mums no dads etc) and have nothing so most ppl jump on the band wagon maybe start sellin drugs to gain money for the FAMILY

cheesy m8 wud u stand up to these guys they are feared throughout GTR MCR
once they gain them self a little rep and get a bit of money then the girls come then power as bigga said

by this time everyone has heard about u and ppl respect u and there is no turning bak cause a soon as the opposition c u its ON

hope it help u understend a bit better

i think he understands it fine mate (but thats not for me to say)... but he perhaps just doesn't agree with thier thought pattern.

Theres plenty of people who come from nothing but go on to lead lifes away from gangs, guns and drugs. What has Cheesy (or anyone else) standing up to them got to with anything?

TBF it seems a pretty false perspective they have, if what you say is true, these people aren't exactly 'famous' in Manchester, i bet a hell of a lot more people have no idea who these people are, and they certainatly wont respect them... its a much smaller minority of people who do.
Cheesy said:
invisible man i only told ppl about the link so ppl no i aint talking shit like most on here
who only no about gangs from the papers i grew up with this shit
and i was man enough to walk away when my son was born
but still a got jumped in jjb for being friends with certain ppl i have never shot any1

The question that needs to be asked Brad is how can young men have so little confidence in themselves that they feel the need to join a gang? I realise the peer pressure must be immense but it only takes a few to stand up for themselves & say no to that way of life surely. Or do these guys genuinely aspire to the apparent power they get as a gang member? If this is the case, this is what I find really sad as surely this cannot be really what they want out of life.

Never been in a gang, never seen a gun being wielded by anyone on the street or anything like that, so I don't know the ins and outs, but if I was to think about it I'd guess that most gang members had a shit, or no, father when growing up.
All to do with drugs,get the drug problem sorted and these little shitheads who carry guns will drift back into their scumlife,
I have no respect for anyone who thinks hes above the law and hope they come to grief in any way possible..
by the way its £300 notes to get someone snuffed from where i live.
Also these super hereos are only heroes to no marks/skid marks of the society no normal human being would give them the time of day..
mrcunny said:
All to do with drugs,get the drug problem sorted and these little shitheads who carry guns will drift back into their scumlife,
I have no respect for anyone who thinks hes above the law and hope they come to grief in any way possible..
by the way its £300 notes to get someone snuffed from where i live.
Also these super hereos are only heroes to no marks/skid marks of the society no normal human being would give them the time of day..

Nout to do with a drug problem, thats just to make fast money!! half of these kids have been abused their whole life, there mothers not caring where they are, dads nowhere to be seen!!! only way they can get in control is to be this way. get them before they get you!!! only way to stop this is to stop kids having kids..... and that wont happen... Will it???
The number of kids who do get involved is a lot fewer than those that don't. The thing is that being 'in' is seen as a thing to envy/aspire to amongst a lot of others who don't. It's about respect and status and in a way, the best and most capable are those who make it in the gangs. They are not a refuge for sad, lonely kids.
Social deprivation creates the conditions for gangs to develop and thrive, but the members are often near the top of the pile rather than being the most deprived.
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