Good man Buzzer

Well done Buzzer stood his ground and told the fuckwits so...Tevez walk out was quality but the thing that had me pissing myself was the shout from him of "see you Vinny" as he fucked off down the corridor...quality
1961_vintage said:
Great job today Mike - it was like having a BM-er counterbalancing the shit-chatting, rag-rimming wankers that sky employs in abundance.

As to the "did you dive" question - the whole reaction feels disproportionate to me. Twat interviewer perhaps, but Tevez didn't dive, a fact that was obvious to everyone, and a street-savvy recipient could have used the question to point-out the incredibly dubious decision-making that has gone on recently which has favoured the rags and certainly, at that specific point in the game, made me wonder for the 1st time whether suggestions of corruption had genuine substance.

Mike Summerbee was the man who made this point on our behalf today and we should salute him for it.

Been lucky enough to meet Mike a couple of times, corporate and socially. Top fella that loves the club and the fans and he was on great form today......
Lucky Toma said:
the talisman said:
Slightly off topic, but did any reporter ask ashley young if he dived last week?

I wouldn't say that was off-topic at all mate. Bang on and sums it up in a nutshell for me.

Agreed, the difference is The red twat got a player sent off and a penalty with a blatant dive, while a City player gets fouled in the penalty area goes down as anybody would and gets booked, gets up scores 3 goals and ran his lungs out with a MOM performance whilst on a yellow card( when any forward chases down defenders as much as Tevez so easy to get another yellow)

Buzzer's rant towards the end of this.
Sure the guy that did the interview was Andy Burton who has recent form for asking stupid questions to Jamie Carragher who gave him a mouthful. Was also suspended for his part in the Keys & Gray sexism row.
Was at the game today, so I missed Buzzer. I can't think of a better representative for us to be honest. Question is though, why don't Sky just go for it. Every game, have one "pundit" for the home side, and one for the away. If they want to keep Ratboy as "neutral" then so beit. Never thought I'd say it, but he's been pretty good so far. Far better than "son of triffic" who I can only assume is there to catch the lady viewers. Buzzer is one of the old school and will always shout our corner. The other week, we had Quinn for the "Arse" game. He's ex Arse, ex City, ex Sunderland, and his biography suggests he pissed his time away when he played for us. Not got a major problem with him, as he'd definitely fight our corner in a rag game. I just think we could do well to have a Buzzer, Mike Doyle rep to fuck it into Sky on a regular basis.
buzzer is a fucking legend. absolute love for the man.

that interviewer wants sacking, it's just disrespectful.

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