Got a first date on Wednesday...

TheMightyQuinn said:
johnny on the spot said:
TMQ is such a gay, but is totally spot on.

No pressure, kiddo. Just play nice and cool and be respectful. She's probably as nervous as you are.

I've never been on a date or bought a girl a drink. I'm more like a virus in the fact that I just slowly overwhelm their defences and they succumb to my non effort ;)

I used to consort with a girl who said to me on the night of our second meal out together: 'Honestly, I hate pizza. Here's my address. Just get a taxi over here, bring a bottle and smell nice'.

Best date ever.
johnny on the spot said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I've never been on a date or bought a girl a drink. I'm more like a virus in the fact that I just slowly overwhelm their defences and they succumb to my non effort ;)

I used to consort with a girl who said to me on the night of our second meal out together: 'Honestly, I hate pizza. Here's my address. Just get a taxi over here, bring a bottle and smell nice'.

Best date ever.

So did she eat her pizza?
nashark said:
johnny on the spot said:
I used to consort with a girl who said to me on the night of our second meal out together: 'Honestly, I hate pizza. Here's my address. Just get a taxi over here, bring a bottle and smell nice'.

Best date ever.

So did she eat her pizza?

Just the pepperoni and a little crust.
Don't do any of the shit usual stuff, like cinema etc because there for couples and that's not what you are..yet, i've got one coming up to and have been on many and they've all gone relatively well bar one (cinema) anyway i'd go for a drink, then see what happens from there obviously don't get to pissed! (unless she is also) just don;t be nervous and as everyone says be yourself, be confident and funny!

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