Got a first date on Wednesday...

skillman said:
And I'm bricking it (not very manly I know).

I'm 18 so I've been on dates before but still nervous. Any tips please?

Yeah...brush your teeth and wash your knob ;-)
skillman said:
And I'm bricking it (not very manly I know).

I'm 18 so I've been on dates before but still nervous. Any tips please?

tell us where you are going and i'll organise a posse on here where we come up every few minutes asking for your autograph, photo and that.
then you get mad and give me a few digs, all tough like, i run off squealing:)
HAHA at these replies. Thanks a lot fellas!

I'll remember to load my man bag, have a wank before hand, wash my knob, give her compliments, make her laugh, ask her if she swallows, remark how good her sister was etc etc. ;)
skillman said:
And I'm bricking it (not very manly I know).

I'm 18 so I've been on dates before but still nervous. Any tips please?

Make sure you've got clean underpants on ..... and stop fondling her when she asks you too!

If she doesn't ask you to stop , then feel free to give her one!
I'm very good at offering advice for a date but you need to tell us more about the situation.

Where are you taking her and how is old is she?

What is her name? Can you post her phone number?
The first mistake has already been made: you've called it a 'date'.

You should have set up an informal social evening for you both to enjoy, it's not a date so their are no rules or conventions to adhere to other than the usual social compliances.
TMQ is such a gay, but is totally spot on.

No pressure, kiddo. Just play nice and cool and be respectful. She's probably as nervous as you are.
johnny on the spot said:
TMQ is such a gay, but is totally spot on.

No pressure, kiddo. Just play nice and cool and be respectful. She's probably as nervous as you are.

I've never been on a date or bought a girl a drink. I'm more like a virus in the fact that I just slowly overwhelm their defences and they succumb to my non effort ;)
TheMightyQuinn said:
johnny on the spot said:
TMQ is such a gay, but is totally spot on.

No pressure, kiddo. Just play nice and cool and be respectful. She's probably as nervous as you are.

I've never been on a date or bought a girl a drink. I'm more like a virus in the fact that I just slowly overwhelm their defences and they succumb to my non effort ;)

I'm the same as the above but with the important exclusion of the word "non".

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