got mugged today

Sorry to hear about that, some people are total scum.

Never been successfully mugged, touch wood it will never happen.

Got threatened and chased by some lads with a baseball bat once but I left them for dust.
It's only a phone mate can always get another one. It's just not worth risking it by fighting back anymore, you may well be able to kick the shit out of them but there's to great a chance they will pull out a knife and stab you without hesitation. Just keep his face in mind people like that are thick as pig shit they will stay around that area and one day you'll be with plenty of friends and he'll be on his own and then you'll get your chance for payback.
Thanx4Knives said:
You did the right thing, whats a phone anyway?

If you had have fought then no doubt it would have been you that got in shit an not them!

The problem with having a phone stolen, is you have a lot of private stuff on there, like, for instance, I have about 8 different ladies very private photos on mine, LOL.

I had my Ipod nicked 18 months ago. It was my own fault cause I'd forgotten it in my car, but I still felt violated. Ooo-er.

Sorry about that LB.
Sorry to hear that mate. you did the right thing IMO i always tell my lad to just give it, if it ever happens to him. getting a kick in the balls is better than the head or worse nowadays. karma will catch him.

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