
I recently had an attack of gout in my right wrist.
I was shocked as I thought you only got it in your feet!
Anyway it's gone away (for now) after a 4 day course of tablets and some alteration to my diet. (Reduce your pastry intake I was told).
Good luck to the other sufferers on here.
Toe, knee and elbow I tend to get it, touch wood it's been a while now but fuck me it hurts when it's in my toe. Knee and elbow are manageable but I literally can't leave my bed when it's in my toe.
I suppose I should pack the red wine in but I figure 3 days of agony every now and then is worth the trade off!! Haha!
Toe, knee and elbow I tend to get it, touch wood it's been a while now but fuck me it hurts when it's in my toe. Knee and elbow are manageable but I literally can't leave my bed when it's in my toe.
I suppose I should pack the red wine in but I figure 3 days of agony every now and then is worth the trade off!! Haha!
I couldn't get out of bed last week as the pain in my right big toe was intense. Had to ring a mate asking for Naproxen. Half hour later he called round and dropped some off. Took about 6 hours to kick in though. I get less gout nowadays as I'm drinking a lot more water, especially before bed and when i wake up. Drinking water definitely help in reducing the building up of uric acid which is the cause of gout. You say you drink red wine but do you eat red meat and shellfish?
I couldn't get out of bed last week as the pain in my right big toe was intense. Had to ring a mate asking for Naproxen. Half hour later he called round and dropped some off. Took about 6 hours to kick in though. I get less gout nowadays as I'm drinking a lot more water, especially before bed and when i wake up. Drinking water definitely help in reducing the building up of uric acid which is the cause of gout. You say you drink red wine but do you eat red meat and shellfish?
Not so much shellfish but yeah, my diet isn't great as I eat out most days and nights and many of my meals invariably include wine and red meat. I'm on colchimax which I think is basically the Spanish version of alluprinol and has worked in fairness as its been about 18 months since my last flare up.
Not so much shellfish but yeah, my diet isn't great as I eat out most days and nights and many of my meals invariably include wine and red meat. I'm on colchimax which I think is basically the Spanish version of alluprinol and has worked in fairness as its been about 18 months since my last flare up.
My mate swears by Allopurinol. Says he never gets gout now. A couple of years back he had it really bad. Both his lower arms and hands were swollen to almost twice the size, looked freakish. I've only had it my right big to and ankle and only get a mild bout of it about once a year, fortunately.
I used to suffer gout on a regular basis.
A mate of mine who also suffered told me his Doctor had recommended Allopurinol so I went to my Docs and she put me on 300 mg daily.
Never had an attack since but as an earlier poster said, it doesn’t cure it if you have it at the moment , in fact it would make it worse.
You have to wait a few weeks since your last attack.
Touch wood I have not had an attack in the last 10 years, but I will be on it for life, it’s not something you can take occasionally.
This is all you need to know.
Same journey but just 200 mg a day.
Some might manage on just the 1 x 100gms tablet.
My mate swears by Allopurinol. Says he never gets gout now. A couple of years back he had it really bad. Both his lower arms and hands were swollen to almost twice the size, looked freakish. I've only had it my right big to and ankle and only get a mild bout of it about once a year, fortunately.

Alopronol helped me no end. I had 6/7 bouts every year for about 3 years and since I started Alopronol I’ve been all clear. 2 years without a bout.
Chop the big toe off and carry on doing whatever you did before and stop being a pussy.

As a kid I thought I heard my mum say "You'll never catch gout, with your cock hanging out!!". Maybe an old wives tale but I've never caught gout or been allowed to work in a school.

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