Grealish house raid

The amount of jewellery shouldn’t enter the equation. Most well paid footballers will have what some would consider an obscene amount of valuable goods in their houses but cunts who are trying to pass any blame onto Jack are the biggest bellends going. Not saying you are btw but it’s been insinuated by a couple.

There's valuable goods and then there's stuff that's more easily stolen and liquidated.

Not as easy to fence 100 inch TVs, furniture or clothing.

Just seems like something to avoid and decrease the risk of thieves. Not that it would be a guarantee as not all of these raids are planned, there's definitely a few that are more opportunistic.
I've posted previously that i work all around those areas.
The amazing thing is the varying levels of security that people have. The security levels doesn't seem to automatically track the house price.

Some customers go to great lengths, others don't even bother locking their doors!
Nasri didn't give two fucks about the house. Many on here will have worked at his house, and will know he left money, car keys, iPads and such just lying around. His City medals were just left hanging on shelves in the front room. I had a full set of house keys, yet i never used them once!

I'm hearing/seeing a lot of robberies happening when somebody is in. It seems it's easier and quicker to do it without having to bypass security.
I'm almost certain they are all inside jobs somehow. Ie somebody who has been to or worked on the property. The reason for this is due to the ease/speed they seem to pull it off.

I get lost in some of the houses due to the size. yet these fuckers just seem to waltz in and go straight to the valuables.
One of my biggest houses got done last year. I make sure no ladders are ever left on site, or any works don't compromise security. Yet these scum actually brought their own ladders!
It was carried out while people were home. Thankfully nobody was hurt.
The house owners are two of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Extremely wealthy, yet grounded and fantastic to work for.
These absolute scum didn't just rob them of tens of thousands pounds of stuff, they robbed them of their piece of mind.

How can anybody feel secure in their own home when they know people out there are more than willing to just brazenly walk in and rob you?
So instead of just treating these events as burglary. It needs a much stronger reaction from the police and the courts.
Some friends of ours , whilst living in a big house, arent footballer level at all.
2 years ago they were all sat watching tv when the patio door windows went through and 3 blokes in masks walk in. Grabbed one of the kids and asked for car keys, access to the safe and whatever else.
I guess these people can piss about trying to gain entry when its empty and search for whatever items they want but takes a lot more time than grabbing your child and saying “Give now”, because you would give them whatever they want within seconds

The trauma the family suffered hasnt truly gone away 2 years later

These security companies sound shit, like they‘re just running an extortion racket, yet not actually around to prevent any burglaries. I’m assuming their modus operandi is to arrange a burglary if you’ve declined their ‘protection’ service?

They‘re even worse scum than random burglars. And what a sad indictment of our police and legal system if they’re powerless to stop this criminal activity and shut down these illegal businesses.

If they carry guns I’ll be fucked, but if anyone enters my house illegally I’m charging at the **** with my baseball bat around his head, absolutely no question of that.
Not everyones as hard as you though.
Some friends of ours , whilst living in a big house, arent footballer level at all.
2 years ago they were all sat watching tv when the patio door windows went through and 3 blokes in masks walk in. Grabbed one of the kids and asked for car keys, access to the safe and whatever else.
I guess these people can piss about trying to gain entry when its empty and search for whatever items they want but takes a lot more time than grabbing your child and saying “Give now”, because you would give them whatever they want within seconds

The trauma the family suffered hasnt truly gone away 2 years later

That's an awful story, I would never get over that I don't think. Did they catch the cunts?
We’ve been at a wedding in Cheshire yesterday, couple on our table had stayed the night befpre and said they didn’t get any sleep, the Police helicopter was out all night hovering over where they were staying, this must be why
That's an awful story, I would never get over that I don't think. Did they catch the cunts?
Nope. Lovely family who have just done ok for themselves.
They did consider moving house but have thankfully moved on and stayed put in a “fuck you we aint moving because of you” sort of way but they were in a terrible state for a long time

Police thought then that it was some sort of inside job. Maybe an ex employee or something but no one ever caught

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