Grealish house raid

With all the hard men in this thread it’s a wonder any burglars ever live to tell the tale let alone get away with their ill gotten goods.
However the majority of burglars are just junkie lowlife cowards
That said I fully accept that the ones who have done this are more than likely we’ll organised and more ruthless and professional
I personally would make a judgement call with what I faced
But I’m experienced in certain areas
However property can be replaced
However the majority of burglars are just junkie lowlife cowards
That said I fully accept that the ones who have done this are more than likely we’ll organised and more ruthless and professional
I personally would make a judgement call with what I faced
But I’m experienced in certain areas
However property can be replaced
Do you have a very particular set of skills? Skills acquired over a very long career? Skills that make you a nightmare for people like them?
Rich man gets burgled and police investigate! Wow. Its be great if we all got police help. Cant say I have that much sympathy when rich people get the proper policing w all should get.

I hope no one was hurt.

You are not wrong (that we all deserve better policing). It reminds me of something i have posted here before.

I was working at Balotelli's (and the house next door) and accidently set off the alarm.
Within minutes, two police cars pulled outside.
Four officers for one alarm!

After showing some ID and explaining how i set off the alarm, they relaxed somewhat.

I told them i thought they didn't respond to alarms anymore.
They proceeded to say that "some" houses/owners are afforded "extra special treatment/privileges".

Pissed me right off. Especially as somebody who has been burgled and waited two days before any police bothered to show up!
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You are not wrong. It reminds me of something i have posted here before.

I was working at Balotelli's (and the house next door) and accidently set off the alarm.
Within minutes, two police cars pulled outside.
Four officers for one alarm!

After showing some ID and explaining how i set off the alarm, they relaxed somewhat.

I told them i thought they didn't respond to alarms anymore.
They proceeded to say that "some" houses/owners are afforded "extra special treatment/privileges".

Pissed me right off. Especially as somebody who has been burgled and waited two days before any police bothered to show up!
Why always Him?
Do you have a very particular set of skills? Skills acquired over a very long career? Skills that make you a nightmare for people like them?
I do but each to their own. You make your own decisions what’s right for me may not be for you or others
However I was initially pointing out the lawfulness not encouraging vigilante behaviour
If someone came into my house I would make a decision on a number of factors
I do but each to their own. You make your own decisions what’s right for me may not be for you or others
However I was initially pointing out the lawfulness not encouraging vigilante behaviour
If someone came into my house I would make a decision on a number of factors
I have no skills. I also have no valuables, and my car's worth about 2p.

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