
You have to ask yourself though, do they actually want to change? Some are very comfortable living the life they do, and they actually consider it 'normal.'
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear

Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.
I think you make an excellent post here but discussing this point with some more "senior" grown ups in passing, I don't think it's ever been any different, it's just now we have 24 hour news to deal with. You could avoid much of the media before and newspapers reported news, now they report things that may happen. Look at the press and bird flu as an example, needless page after page designed to ensure a captive audiance purchased to avoid a global pandemic that never materialised.
SWP's back said:
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear

Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.
I think you make an excellent post here but discussing this point with some more "senior" grown ups in passing, I don't think it's ever been any different, it's just now we have 24 hour news to deal with. You could avoid much of the media before and newspapers reported news, now they report things that may happen. Look at the press and bird flu as an example, needless page after page designed to ensure a captive audiance purchased to avoid a global pandemic that never materialised.

It is a capitalist world in which we live. People want what others have but feel they should not have to put in the effort, work, and toil that others do. FFS some of these people have more than I do and have never worked a day in their lives. They see what others have and refuse to put in a days work to earn what they want. This suits the powers at be because it means tax increases are justified to reduce police cuts etc. Has anyone spoken about the state of the economy since this all kicked off? Well Job Done Then!
blupoo said:
SWP's back said:
Blue Tooth said:
Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.
I think you make an excellent post here but discussing this point with some more "senior" grown ups in passing, I don't think it's ever been any different, it's just now we have 24 hour news to deal with. You could avoid much of the media before and newspapers reported news, now they report things that may happen. Look at the press and bird flu as an example, needless page after page designed to ensure a captive audiance purchased to avoid a global pandemic that never materialised.

It is a capitalist world in which we live. People want what others have but feel they should not have to put in the effort, work, and toil that others do. FFS some of these people have more than I do and have never worked a day in their lives. They see what others have and refuse to put in a days work to earn what they want. This suits the powers at be because it means tax increases are justified to reduce police cuts etc. Has anyone spoken about the state of the economy since this all kicked off? Well Job Done Then!
Erm yes. Lots. Just not on Loose Women.
SWP's back said:
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear

Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.
I think you make an excellent post here but discussing this point with some more "senior" grown ups in passing, I don't think it's ever been any different, it's just now we have 24 hour news to deal with. You could avoid much of the media before and newspapers reported news, now they report things that may happen. Look at the press and bird flu as an example, needless page after page designed to ensure a captive audiance purchased to avoid a global pandemic that never materialised.

Thankyou. You can actually avoid much of the media now too if you choose too but most people don't hence the sway it has. I am curious as to what constitutes 'senior' in your world and whilst they may feel it has always been thus my 'seniors'(65+) always talk about better times, community spirit and the like that appears to be pretty much non existent thses days.
greed is good or so my mate gordon tells me

SWP's back said:
blupoo said:
SWP's back said:
I think you make an excellent post here but discussing this point with some more "senior" grown ups in passing, I don't think it's ever been any different, it's just now we have 24 hour news to deal with. You could avoid much of the media before and newspapers reported news, now they report things that may happen. Look at the press and bird flu as an example, needless page after page designed to ensure a captive audiance purchased to avoid a global pandemic that never materialised.

It is a capitalist world in which we live. People want what others have but feel they should not have to put in the effort, work, and toil that others do. FFS some of these people have more than I do and have never worked a day in their lives. They see what others have and refuse to put in a days work to earn what they want. This suits the powers at be because it means tax increases are justified to reduce police cuts etc. Has anyone spoken about the state of the economy since this all kicked off? Well Job Done Then!
Erm yes. Lots. Just not on Loose Women.

SWP I agree with what you are saying. But I believe we have been put in a corner...Either you accept police cuts and this is what you get more and we can sustain a police force
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
Blue Tooth said:
Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.
I think you make an excellent post here but discussing this point with some more "senior" grown ups in passing, I don't think it's ever been any different, it's just now we have 24 hour news to deal with. You could avoid much of the media before and newspapers reported news, now they report things that may happen. Look at the press and bird flu as an example, needless page after page designed to ensure a captive audiance purchased to avoid a global pandemic that never materialised.

Thankyou. You can actually avoid much of the media now too if you choose too but most people don't hence the sway it has. I am curious as to what constitutes 'senior' in your world and whilst they may feel it has always been thus my 'seniors'(65+) always talk about better times, community spirit and the like that appears to be pretty much non existent thses days.
Yeah 65-93, spoken about it with half a dozen of my older clients this week funnily enough as the media were worrying them. 93 being the oldest, he's a Baron no less. I suppose it depends if Rose tinted glasses have been worn.
My cousin sent this to me two days ago. Still stuck in Ireland he says, many summers spent in this back ass of nowhere, little village. All they had was a GAA club a shop and a few pubs. It hasn't changed one bit.

They were as broke now and they were back then.
He sent me this video, asking me in all our boredom as teenagers, did we ever think of doing anything that would result in more than a clip around the ear from our mothers. And the answer was of course, no. We never did anything, the fear of getting caught was too big.

This he said, is what summer used to be about for us, and still is I guess.


(It's an Irish game, very popular, main season is the summer.) Many summer evenings spend playing this out the fields with everyone and anyone. Days were longer, nothing like it.
Oh when things were so simple.

These English kids, these thugs, they're breathing the wrong type of air.
Get them out to the country side, give them an honest hard days work, and give them a bloody football and a green, sure do you need anything else?

Life got complicated when we made it complicated. The pitches are still there, pity that they'd rather play it on their consoles than the game itself. As punishment for their crimes (seeing as they will not get jail) we should take all technology off them and thrown them out to the back as of no where.

But it's all about greed. Even the people young lads used to look up to before on the football field have become unrelatable to as well, multi millionaires, in their own bubble, spoiled and mollycoddled, just like the kids of today. Even our purest of games have been ruined by money.

I tell ya, the Irish have the right idea. Don't pay them, let their best of their best play for their own. The players will still play, their fans will still come.

Money, money, money. What has it all come to.
SWP's back said:
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
I think you make an excellent post here but discussing this point with some more "senior" grown ups in passing, I don't think it's ever been any different, it's just now we have 24 hour news to deal with. You could avoid much of the media before and newspapers reported news, now they report things that may happen. Look at the press and bird flu as an example, needless page after page designed to ensure a captive audiance purchased to avoid a global pandemic that never materialised.

Thankyou. You can actually avoid much of the media now too if you choose too but most people don't hence the sway it has. I am curious as to what constitutes 'senior' in your world and whilst they may feel it has always been thus my 'seniors'(65+) always talk about better times, community spirit and the like that appears to be pretty much non existent thses days.
Yeah 65-93, spoken about it with half a dozen of my older clients this week funnily enough as the media were worrying them. 93 being the oldest, he's a Baron no less. I suppose it depends if Rose tinted glasses have been worn.

My father could walk out of a job in the morning and into another one that afternoon back in the late 50's early 60's.My folks were both immigrants and uneducated but with a stong work ethic...they made a life for themselves and never took a handout because it was emminently doable. Maybe it was their drive that helped them or maybe the circumstances were more favourable economically.It's a tough one.When I ask him, he says it was better then with no hesitation.

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