
M18CTID said:
strongbowholic said:
There were serious disturbances in that period - Broadwater Farm, Brixton and Toxteth to name but three flash points. What we are seeing now is almost a mirror of that in some respects.

Yes, you're right. But the universal opinion appears to be that, as unsavoury as those riots were, there was an underlying problem that lead to them happening whereas pretty much everyone, regardless of their political persuasion, seems to agree that there is no discernible reason or "cause" that can be attached to what's happened over the past few days.
Agreed there were huge problems back then which, whilst not entirely resolved are much better now than then. I think the 'no discernible' cause is simply because of the sheer number of areas you can point to as influencing it. I think we should group them all up into a single entity and call it Neville-ism - too many chips on one shoulder causing bitterness and resentment through having a sad and empty existence! :-)
Disassociated teenagers are not a new phenomenon. I can't remember many kids from my school years who were openly beaming with happiness and prosperity. Plenty were prone to robbing, arson and random violence. This is a period of ones youth that we tend to push to the back of our minds, but I remember it well. When I went to College aged 16, there were people in my English class who couldn't read and I have never forgotten that. We were all skint and after an entire childhood of the Thatcher government, had a very blurred vision of what the future would hold. I see nothing new in every generation before or since. The majority of people soon realise that to have the ability to acquire the things they desire most, can only be achieved by hard work. Once this penny drops, they are on the right path and all is well with the world. Some never will and prison looms.

I was in Manchester city all day yesterday, and I saw lots of groups of proud teenagers with bin bags and sweeping brushes cleaning up the streets, and it made me realise that social networks and media exposure can lead you to despair, but don't let a minority of feral scamps cloud your view that the majority of kids are wonderful human beings
M18CTID said:
bringer678 said:
Are you trying to make an excuse for these cunts?

That's the way it came across to me.

The top and bottom of it is that there is no excuse whatsoever for the blatant law-breaking we've seen over the past few days. I accept that most of us have probably broken the law at some point or other in our lives but I bet most of us never looked to blame anybody else for our indiscretions. In short, everyone is accountable for their own actions.

While the OP makes some good points about a greed culture in today's society there's a world of difference between wanting the latest gadget and actually going out mob-handed to steal it.

Much of what we've seen over the past few days isn't the fault of politicians fiddling their expenses or banks selling us down the river - those are entirely different issues that can be discussed and addressed in their own right. No, this IMO is primarily down to falling parenting standards and a lack of discipline being instilled into these scrotes from an early age, coupled with soft sentencing when they do get caught breaking the law. I said primarily because there are some people of course that have a good upbringing yet still turn out to be a wrong 'un, not to mention some that have a shit upbringing but turn out to be decent people, but my over-riding feeling is that many of the people involved have never been on the end of a bollocking from their parents. This in turn has given these twats the impression that they can literally do what the fuck they want without fear of reprisal.

this absolutely, great post.

I'm 19 and find the behavior of people of my age group to be a fucking disgrace. It is I feel the way your parents teach you right from wrong and your own decisions when choosing what crowds to mix with.
Zonalmarking said:
Disassociated teenagers are not a new phenomenon. I can't remember many kids from my school years who were openly beaming with happiness and prosperity. Plenty were prone to robbing, arson and random violence. This is a period of ones youth that we tend to push to the back of our minds, but I remember it well. When I went to College aged 16, there were people in my English class who couldn't read and I have never forgotten that. We were all skint and after an entire childhood of the Thatcher government, had a very blurred vision of what the future would hold. I see nothing new in every generation before or since. The majority of people soon realise that to have the ability to acquire the things they desire most, can only be achieved by hard work. Once this penny drops, they are on the right path and all is well with the world. Some never will and prison looms.

I was in Manchester city all day yesterday, and I saw lots of groups of proud teenagers with bin bags and sweeping brushes cleaning up the streets, and it made me realise that social networks and media exposure can lead you to despair, but don't let a minority of feral scamps cloud your view that the majority of kids are wonderful human beings

spot on.
Zonalmarking said:
Disassociated teenagers are not a new phenomenon. I can't remember many kids from my school years who were openly beaming with happiness and prosperity. Plenty were prone to robbing, arson and random violence. This is a period of ones youth that we tend to push to the back of our minds, but I remember it well. When I went to College aged 16, there were people in my English class who couldn't read and I have never forgotten that. We were all skint and after an entire childhood of the Thatcher government, had a very blurred vision of what the future would hold. I see nothing new in every generation before or since. The majority of people soon realise that to have the ability to acquire the things they desire most, can only be achieved by hard work. Once this penny drops, they are on the right path and all is well with the world. Some never will and prison looms.

I was in Manchester city all day yesterday, and I saw lots of groups of proud teenagers with bin bags and sweeping brushes cleaning up the streets, and it made me realise that social networks and media exposure can lead you to despair, but don't let a minority of feral scamps cloud your view that the majority of kids are wonderful human beings

Top post!
I've overheard kids/those in their early twenties saying 'ok then, I'll just go on the rob then' when their benefits have been stopped for not looking for work. The sense of personal responsibility was nil in these cases and the implication was clear: 'its your fault'

This was before any recent recession.

Anyway, this isn't about 'greed.' it because they 'can.'
In response to the OP ,i put it down to.

Generations of workshy serial breeders who contribute nothing to society , who at the first opportunity go on a theiving and destruction rampage.

If only they would put that much effort into finding work and paying for themselves.
SWP's back said:
The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear

Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear

Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.

Fear is absolutely key.

Fuck fear, put flowers in your hair, stick Sgt Pepper on full volume and make love.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear

Of all the things you wrote in this thread this jumped out at me.
I think FEAR is at the heart of a lot of the current issues we face in society.
Fear of not enough money.Fear of losing your job. Fear that what you have might be taken away.(Pension fraud, Bank collapse) Fear of other people (The war on terror)
I could go on.
Harking back to a better bygone time (Colin Bells Jockstrap for example) for some people is perhaps expressing a desire for community to be re-established. Jumpers for goalposts and all that. For me the lack of any real community in general (there are exeptions as always) is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of anger and hatred towards each other in the modern world and I for one find that a bit depressing.

Fear is absolutely key.

Fuck fear, put flowers in your hair, stick Sgt Pepper on full volume and make love.


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