Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the league

Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

FantasyIreland said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
FantasyIreland said:
''It's been a great league this year. But, if there is only one England player, maybe two (in City's team), that's pretty depressing,"

Has Dyke said something different elsewhere?
Hart, Milner, Lescott, Rodwell & Richards will probably be in the 18.

That's true,however,its unlikely we'll field more than two today,which is what he is suggesting is depressing for the English game.......its not a personal attack on us,its a factual comment,and consequence,on the state of the National team and the subsequent quality available to such.

All Dyke has to do is to count how many English players are playing for top teams abroad!!

It really is that simple Greg..
Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Andy Morrisons jock strap said:
To be honest you can take what Greg Dick says with a rather large pinch of salt, his history goes before him the father of breakfast TV where is appointment of Frank Bough as the face you wake up to each morning will brighten up your day, hmmm 2 months later it did when Bough was on the front page of the News of the world where a hooker had said he was sniffing cocaine off her naval wearing stockings
I think you're getting Frank Bough mixed up with Roland Rat.

No Roland was actually involved apparently tickling Franks arse
Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

yeah whatever !! said:
FantasyIreland said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Hart, Milner, Lescott, Rodwell & Richards will probably be in the 18.

That's true,however,its unlikely we'll field more than two today,which is what he is suggesting is depressing for the English game.......its not a personal attack on us,its a factual comment,and consequence,on the state of the National team and the subsequent quality available to such.

All Dyke has to do is to count how many English players are playing for top teams abroad!!

It really is that simple Greg..

Yes like the days when all top flight teams had loads of English players in our teams made sure England won stacks of trophies didn't it?.....Oh wait a minute........
Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

Thanks for the attempt to incentivise us Greg, but the prospect of a title win should give us more than enough motivation. Nice to know it'll upset you though.
Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
gazmedina said:
Bottomless_Sailor said:
Surely someone in his position knows that EVERY quote he makes is open to dissection and distortion by the media.

Really needs to learn to shut that yammer of his.

He's in a senior role: he can't say nothing all of the time. Is it too much to ask that people apply some reasoning of their own when they read something? I don't like Greg Dyke and I think that his recent suggestions are awful, but when I read the headline "Greg Dyke says he will be depressed if City win the league" I thought 'that can't be true' - so I read on for a couple of paragraphs and lo and behold it wasn't.

There's enough to get annoyed about Greg Dyke without having to get annoyed about the stuff he hasn't said. If you're going to get angry at least get angry at the right person and on this occasion it's some gobshite subeditor. You watch: that headline will probably change very soon because people will complain. Happens all the time. dont like sheikh mansour...and you are now an fa..dyke supporter...

Jesus mods get s grip of this rag ****.

Dyke is a clueless fucking twat..i hope we upset many a perskns sunday dinner today.

Could I have made it ANY CLEARER that I don't like Greg Dyke? Other people have made the same point. If you're that bothered about looking through my post history google my name and you'll see that I'm a City fan from what I've put on other forums. I've got a long posting history in the Guardian if you want to start there.

In fact if any mods want to do that and review the abuse from St. Helen's above that would be great.
Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

aguero93:20 said:
Thanks for the attempt to incentivise us Greg, but the prospect of a title win should give us more than enough motivation. Nice to know it'll upset you though.

He hasn't said anything of the sort though has he? You,like many others......are reacting to a misleading topic title created by a seemingly paranoid contributor.
Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

Interesting that so many go on about the lack for England players playing for City…. Or at least regularly…. Last season we had Barry, Lescott, Rodwell, Richards, Sinclair, Hart and Milner on the squad sheet, and apart from Rodwell’s injuries and Sinclair (?) the others played regular first team football. Can’t remember these swine like Dyke gibbering on then?

If we (bloody hope so) go on to win today then only having two regular players from the national team isn’t really so strange. Italy and Germany have often had champions whom reflected their national squad…. Spain too, but if the much (and rightly so) praised Athletico Madrid win the league then how many Spanish internationals do they have? Koke’s a future player, or rather he’s touted as Xavi’s replacement. Juanfran and David Villa are about it really. Oh and they’ve a great foreign manager.

Fernandinho, Zabba and Demichelis have earnt their places in the first team. However I share others frustrations with Richards and Rodwell…. They just haven’t been good enough. As for Brazil and Argentina, well how many first team internationals do any of their recent champions have? Neither do the Netherlands, France or Belgium have too many…. I don’t know about Colombia and Chile, but out of the teams with any chance to winning the world cup, only three have league winners with a decent proportion of ‘home grown’ players. If you include England that’s 8 or 9 teams without their best players playing for their champions and 2 or 3 with….. Do other heads of football associations in these countries feel depressed about this?

Meanwhile Liverpool rely on Sturridge for goals/assists. It’s highly likely he wouldn’t be there if Sheikh Mansour hadn’t arrived. He’d be playing for us…. For so many this an inconvenient truth with goes against their narrative.

Attacking clubs for the failure of the national team is easy for the FA to do, and spinning it against City is even easier for the dull and lazy hacks which infest our press.

Regardless of this nonsense there's only one thing which matters today.

Re: Greg dyke says he will be depressed if city win the leag

I think it's more to do with how poor the England team is rather than how we're destroying it.

The Telegraph writer has done well to twist him, though.

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