Well-Known Member
Another stabbing and its wall to wall cardboard box burning outrage....what a time to be alive...
It's entirley possible though to be appalled at the number of stabbings taking place and also be appalled at the mentality of this bonfire. Or do we have to choose. Also, although I have no direct evidence tosupport this claim it is possible that the police are investigating the latest stabbing as well as all the others that have taken place and that they could do that whilst other policemen interview the cunts that did the bonfire.
Both the bon fire and the stabbings are an illustration of the cheapness of life nowadays and the rottenness at the core of society. For what it's worth I don't think the bonfire people should be charged with any crime but we are told they handed themselves in. Rightly I hope that they are looking over their shoulders and worrying about what other retribuition might be coming their way.