Greta Thunberg

Like any sane human being would take a yanks opinion on climate change seriously.

Many in your country is in serious denial about how we have influenced the planets natural cycle.

Or is the palnet being a bit fucked just fake news?

Left wing, right wing, it doesn't matter, things need to change in our ways and actions as a species
What a stupid thing to say.

As for your claims, I don't think anyone is in denial of anything. Since when did asking clarifying questions and requiring proof become a wrong thing?

Stop asking silly questions and get to the nuance. Painting those who don't genuflect at your beliefs crazy doesn't make you right.

Attack the claims made. Not some red herring you pulled out your ass. It's tiring.
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What a stupid thing to say.

As for your claims, I don't think anyone is in denial of anything. Since when did asking clarifying questions and requiring proof become a wrong thing?

Stop asking silly questions and get to the nuance. Painting those who don't genuflect at your beliefs crazy doesn't make you right.

Attack the claims made. Not done red herring you pulled out your ass. It's tiring.

It's arse, an ass is a donkey.

Mate you constantly talk shite on here and when did I say I was right, all I said was you were wrong and in that I am right.
It's actually incredibly simple physics.

1. Do humans put carbon dioxide into the air?

Yes. That's undeniable.

2. How does the planet maintain temperature?

Through a balance. Heat from the Sun is absorbed and much bounces off into space. This is undeniable.

3. Does carbon dioxide alter that balance?

Yes. Carbon dioxide absorbs the energy that was bouncing back into space and reemits it back towards the ground which heats the plane. This is undeniable.

I don't see how there's an argument here. None of the above is above primary school level science.
I don't think I suggested any of the above was false. It doesn't address anything I said though.

But to address your points directly, something others on this thread will do well to learn how to do.

1. Is correct. Humans produce more Co2 than would exist absent their production.

2. 2 is a bit of a simplification. The planet 'maintains' (I guess we can say that in respect to a short period) temperature via a multitude of processes, some of which we've theorized about, others we have a handle on, and some are oblivious to us. So stating the little part we know of and declaring it undeniable, is incomplete.

The little we know is undeniable. The rest, well we are clueless about and theorizing, observating and studying

3 also is like 2. Yes Co2 can and does increase warming. But by how much? The historical correlation between Co2 emissions and a warming of the planet is very flimsy. And this isn't because Co2 doesn't cause or have a greenhouse effect. But rather because there are other factors at play.

So like I said at the top, nothing you've responded with is at issue. At a simple level there are 4 separate points here:

1. Is the planet warming? Absolutely! Albeit at a slower rate the last 30 years compared to the prior 100.

2. Is the warming due too humans. Yes. .Partly due Co2 amongst other things so.

3. Is this going to become a crisis. We don't know. It May or may not. But what we do know is that models are awful at predicting future. and the Earth's .

4. Must we all band together and do something? Like those in government's around the world want? Like join treaties that puport to do things, that even the Scientist believe most of these things won't help.

That was my point.
It's arse, an ass is a donkey.

Mate you constantly talk shite on here and when did I say I was right, all I said was you were wrong and in that I am right.
I never said you said you were right. Simply imploring you to engage the issue, not the person. If you think a claim is shit, say why..

It's weak to center your points on an ad hominem....
In this brave new world will we be giving up cars travel of most kinds and acquiesce to being liquidated when we get to a certain age to prevent too much damage to the environment? How far are we going to go with saving the planet? Should we decrease the population, stop people driving cars, prevent the sale of goods unless they are locally made from renewable raw materials?

What should we do and should we start it tomorrow?
This world needs a deadly disease to ravage through about a quarter of the human race. Once that happens every Govt in the world should put a cap on the amount of children you have. In fact, a bit like when you work with children, you have to pass a DBS check to be able to have them and if you don’t, you are castrated/spayed/neutered.

I think it’ll do the planet and the human race a lot of good.
1. Is the planet warming? Absolutely! Albeit at a slower rate the last 30 years compared to the prior 100.
What stats are you using for this because using NASA data here,, I am seeing the 5 year smoothing figure rise at 0.0193° per year over the last 29 years (taking 1990 @ 0.34 and 2019 @ 0.92) whereas 1880 (-0.1) to 1990 is a rise of 0.004° per year. That's almost 5 times more for the last 29yrs than the previous 110yrs.
This world needs a deadly disease to ravage through about a quarter of the human race. Once that happens every Govt in the world should put a cap on the amount of children you have. In fact, a bit like when you work with children, you have to pass a DBS check to be able to have them and if you don’t, you are castrated/spayed/neutered.

I think it’ll do the planet and the human race a lot of good.
Or a war
If you believe in climate change you probably still think the earth is flat. Find a purpose in your life that will bring you happiness :-)

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