Hi, I`m looking for a little advice, I`m growing a few different varieties, little elf, hungarian apple, bacio di satana and Bhut Jolokia.
The little elf plants are doing extremely well, they are producing already, the bacio di satana and Hungarian apple have got some decent sized chillies on them, just waiting for them to grow, but the bhut jolokia ones are giving me problems, and these are the ones I really want to succeed.
I have got eight plants and they are about 60cm tall, with loads of flowers on them.
This is when the problem occurs, the flower opens up, then along with the stem, it falls off at the point where the stem joins the main plant. It`s very frustrating for me as the others are doing well, and I haven`t done anything different to the others. I have kept them on a sunny windowsill and have transferred some to the greenhouse. I thought that I may be over watering them, so I have cut back on the water.
Any ideas anyone ?