
Yet again the bridesmaid and not the bride but our time will come, this could be their swan song and i only see thing getting better for desperate were they to win that game after all them years of treating it as a piss pot cup, this just shows what a complete twat baconface is and i for one can't wait for the **** to jos it... even more so than us winning the world cup!
GUTTED,but the game was there to be won,we only went at them for 10mins after we went 2 down an we scored an rattled there cage,imagin what could have been if we went at them more,thats the dissapointing thing we never went for it,sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Flood said:
Absolutely gutted... But,we still have the FA cup and CL spot that is ours for the taking. We definitely sat back too much in the second half, especially towards Fergie time. Never mind, they're in debt and we're not, and everybody knows that if we've beaten the bas***ds they would be screaming about how the CC is "mickey mouse" anyways.

So hold your head up high, we have two games in hand on Spurs and the Scousers, we are still in the FA Cup and we still have a good shot at a CL spot... I still have a feeling that this year will shape out to be the greatest season City have had during my 32 years on this earth.

well said...i'm gutted tonight but am confident well bounce back on sunday, tonight wont define our season
jay234jay said:
Flood said:
Absolutely gutted... But,we still have the FA cup and CL spot that is ours for the taking. We definitely sat back too much in the second half, especially towards Fergie time. Never mind, they're in debt and we're not, and everybody knows that if we've beaten the bas***ds they would be screaming about how the CC is "mickey mouse" anyways.

So hold your head up high, we have two games in hand on Spurs and the Scousers, we are still in the FA Cup and we still have a good shot at a CL spot... I still have a feeling that this year will shape out to be the greatest season City have had during my 32 years on this earth.

well said...i'm gutted tonight but am confident well bounce back on sunday, tonight wont define our season

Well said. Could still be a great season.

Closing the gap on the horrible feckers.

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