
I've had 8 text messages so far all mentioning a certain number of years. I'm so gutted right now. Chin up though everyone. Our time will come! FA Cup anyone??
I can't count as a long of a history of support than many of you but I am completely destroyed. This is probably the second worst day I've ever had as a result of any form of sport. We weren't great today but I didn't think we were awful either. Boyata played well but you could see he had a touch of the nerves and tired a bit at the end. Given didn't have his best night but that save from Fletcher was brilliant. We just didn't seem to get enough steel from our midfield, I thought NDJ was a bit of a disappointment given his recent form. We'll have more nights in the future but right now I feel sick. Still very proud of the team and the support was brilliant compared to scum throwing bottles and coins.
I thought we played a very good game. we were the better team in the first half, and the start of the second until bellamy got hit on the head. then we seemed to lose concentration for a minute, leading to the first goal. that took the wind out of our sails, heads dropped, but we still came back and were within a kick of extra time, which I think we may well have won, having the fresher legs.

boyata took a huge step forward, micah was excellent. garrido did ok, there just aren't any other options there at the moment. let's not forget three of the first choice back four are out.

little moments make the difference. utd have done this to the very best teams in europe on the big nights, and boy, this was a big night for them. that's the level we are approaching, these are the lessons we have to learn. how anyone can be searching for scapegoats is beyond me, quite honestly.
Would have been great to win, but we didn't.

Tired now.

Lets look forward to the FAC.
mackenzie said:
Would have been great to win, but we didn't.

Tired now.

Lets look forward to the FAC.
And getting that 4th spot. That's the most important target this season
Brown paper bags all round tomorrow... head up, chest out

#@#@ it, we've had to do this after losing to County, ffs

2011 - Fergie retires, Scholes retires, Briggs retires and Rooney collapses from weight of 70,000 on his fat scouse back.

The future is ours,
the future is ours,
fuck off munich,
the future is ours

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