
Feel completely numb, but we've only lost the battle, not the war. As posted above the future is ours. And they know it as well as we do. Tick tock. Time is catching up with them.
i am taking it well i know that there will be alot more to come!

we put up a good fight and were unlucky to force it into ET

the fuckin cockney c*nts boastin is something that i cant take however

I'm pretty gutted too, though living in the States means I won't have to face as many annoying rags tomorrow as most of you. But you know why we shouldn't be too distraught? because this is just the first of many really big night in our future. If your team's crap, but you somehow make it to a semi or a final, it's worse when you lose, because you don't know when you'll be back. I feel sure this wasn't a once in 29-year run like the last time we got to a semi-final. So let the rags have their fun - it means a lot to them because deep down they know we're almost there, and they've gotta have their best players playing at top form to stop us now. Even that won't be enough next time....

i am taking it well i know that there will be alot more to come!

we put up a good fight and were unlucky to force it into ET

the fuckin cockney c*nts boastin is something that i cant take however

I just cannot believe it. Words fail me. First half everything was going to plan, they created very few, if any clear cut chances, and we had opportunities on the break. But then it was just like the game in September, they stepped it up, we responded, and then, well.... Anyway, we're gutted yes, but as the old saying goes; This shit ain't over. We still have a Champions League place, and a FA Cup to play for, we have lots of cash, talented players, and a bright, young upcoming manager. Rome was not built in a day, and there were a few tears and setbacks along the way, but it was done. Chin up lads. Our season is not over by any means.
Although this is obviously a major blow right now in the long run its quite insignificant. WE WILL WIN EVERYTHING THERE IS TO WIN EVENTUALLY. Its simply inevitable with the resources we have behind us both in terms of cash, our youth system and our supporter base.

This may even be a good thing. Undoubtedly many youngsters around the world have begun following City over the past two seasons and experiencing disappointments like this will help to turn them into real City fans who know how to take the good times with the bad and love the club the way we do not like the glory hunters over at the swamp who couldn't care less about united and only want to bask in the reflected glory of silverware
vbr said:
Absolutely gutted. Gutted with the result and even more gutted about the performance. Absolute shite, we sat back from the first minute to the last, had one spell of 5 minutes where we looked threatening. Fucking ultra negative tactics, no creativity or pace in the centre of midfield, headless chickens at the back, rags were first to every second ball in and around our penalty area, gave them far too much time and space on the flanks. Just fucking awful, performance made me sick to my stomach.

You talk an absolute loads of bollocks. First half tactics were perfect. Cud have had two goals. We are on the right track. We have only had a new manager for a few weeks. Go and put football manager on and rant at the tv you prick...
Gutted but it's not the end of the world. Proves Fergiescum is worried about us when you look at the teams he's put out over the two legs, in a competition the scum usually has compempt for. For me this was a bigger game for the rags to put little city in their place. Well roll on next season because this will be the last that the scum will be a force for a long time! Hope we have a backlash against Pompy on sunday and anhilate them, then all will be a distant memory!
Absolutely gutted... But,we still have the FA cup and CL spot that is ours for the taking. We definitely sat back too much in the second half, especially towards Fergie time. Never mind, they're in debt and we're not, and everybody knows that if we've beaten the bas***ds they would be screaming about how the CC is "mickey mouse" anyways.

So hold your head up high, we have two games in hand on Spurs and the Scousers, we are still in the FA Cup and we still have a good shot at a CL spot... I still have a feeling that this year will shape out to be the greatest season City have had during my 32 years on this earth.

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