The big question is... Have you been robbed yet? And if not, have you got a decent alarm and CCTV system as you can virtually guarantee these shits will be back now they know what car you have etc.
We had it near us a few months back, kept getting leaflets for various 'roofing jobs' when certain people were going up to Appleby, a neighbour told me she had seen someone go round the back of the house whilst I was at work and thought nothing of it, same night I heard a banging like someone hitting something, went through my integral garage and looked out of the window and someone was forcing my shed door, literally opened the door and told him he had 10 seconds to run as my dog would rip his fucking face off, screamed all the way up the driveway. I don't have a dog, however i've kicked myself over and over since as I should have just battered him and kept him hostage until the police came to arrest me for assault!