Guy who had a heart attack update

Just got back from a trip away and saw this thread had been updated.

So sorry to hear that your dad didn't pull through, Steve. I sit near you and saw what valiant efforts the medics made, and prayed for the best.

You will always have a tear in your eye/lump in your throat at key moments/matches at CoMS (I still do many years on) but you will also feel very close to him on those occasions too.

R.I.P Alex and God Bless Steve and family.

Anji - X
SWSB said:
we received a phone call last night to say he passed away at 11.02pm and died peacefully.We thought it would be thursday or friday but sadly not.Thanks for all the support on here at this sad time.My wife and I are going this morning to say goodbye to him at the Bereavement Ctr at MRI.
PS I am one of the officials next thursday at City's ground for the Football Aid.I was hoping Dad would have been able to go and watch.He can now have the best seat in the house.

After reading your original post, I was fervently hoping that he'd pull through. So sorry to see this news. Sincere condolences to you and your family.
Hi Steve, only just read the update after i replied to you. Im gutted for you i really really am. Its always the good people who are taken in the most horriffic way. Im shocked really. If you wish to take me up on my offer then feel free. Keep in touch, rickmcfc. R.I.P xxx
SWSB said:
it is with regret that my Dad Alex Welch will soon no longer be with us.The CT Scan done yesterday(mon)confirmed our worse fears when the neurologist toady said he has extensive brain damage and will have no quality of life.The machines keeping him alive will gradually be turned down(they are doing this as I type)so thursday or friday will be the day I lose him.My wife has been a tower of strength supporting me and a few tears have been shed by us both.City are sending a bouquet of flowers for the funeral and are putting something in the programme either v Villa or more likely Spurs.The Derby started off such a lovely day.Sky Sports at the ground,lovely weather and now this.It's going to be hard going to the match without him waiting at the side of the road for him or vice versa.
Thanks for the support received on here.
God Bless you Dad,thanks for everything you have done for me.
Going to bed,but will be hard sleeping.
Sorry to hear about your loss mate.
my wife Alsion been keeping me up to date as she works at same place as you, she also sends you her best wishes too mate.
u2fme2 said:
SWSB said:
it is with regret that my Dad Alex Welch will soon no longer be with us.The CT Scan done yesterday(mon)confirmed our worse fears when the neurologist toady said he has extensive brain damage and will have no quality of life.The machines keeping him alive will gradually be turned down(they are doing this as I type)so thursday or friday will be the day I lose him.My wife has been a tower of strength supporting me and a few tears have been shed by us both.City are sending a bouquet of flowers for the funeral and are putting something in the programme either v Villa or more likely Spurs.The Derby started off such a lovely day.Sky Sports at the ground,lovely weather and now this.It's going to be hard going to the match without him waiting at the side of the road for him or vice versa.
Thanks for the support received on here.
God Bless you Dad,thanks for everything you have done for me.
Going to bed,but will be hard sleeping.
Sorry to hear about your loss mate.
my wife Alsion been keeping me up to date as she works at same place as you, she also sends you her best wishes too mate.
SalfordRed said:
Met your Dad many a time Steve ( Broady,s one of my best mates ) just to pass on my condolensces to you and your family . Your Dad absolutely loved his team , and whenever I met him loved talking about football in general , an absolute top bloke !
Things like this put trivial things like football rivalries firmly in there place .

R.I.P Alex , God Bless .

Thanks Salford Red.Whats your name by the way,and who is Broady.Think there was a Broady(Broadhurst)who played for Broadwalk?

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