Half time team talk (Leicester)

Pellegrini admitted on sky the other week before a game (I can't remember which) that we only work for 10% of the week on the opposition, the other 90% is working on our own style
I did the stadium tour when I was in the UK in August. When we got to the description of the CFA we were told that it has replicas of all the opposition pitches for us to practice on - that's probably the 10% you refer to. FYI, at the bottom of the picture of the pitches was a mess of trees and overgrown bushes - the guide pointed that out as the swamp!
I couldnt quite believe what i was hearing when Celina made that comment,its quite damning as far as the boss is concerned,it highlights his tactical cluelessness and his lack of ideas imo.......as was the gut feeling..........it appears he has one gameplan regardless of its effectiveness or the opposition,quite unbelievable.

Pretty much this
Every team dominated Leicster possession wise, that's just how they play. We we're shite and should've lost by a couple more so can't believe some are saying the game was even.

We fell right into the trap by 'dominating' possession. A trap that couldn't have been more obvious if it had "beware trap" written all over it in neon lights. Our tactics and selection were wrong. It wasn't with hindsight either. When I was in the pub most were shaking their heads calling out exactly what would happen when they saw the team.

We fell right into the trap by 'dominating' possession. A trap that couldn't have been more obvious if it had "beware trap" written all over it in neon lights. Our tactics and selection were wrong. It wasn't with hindsight either. When I was in the pub most were shaking their heads calling out exactly what would happen when they saw the team.
I kid you not my 7 year old nephew predicted that game, 7 year old! I can't wait for Pep because with MP we play with individuals no tactics.
Of course there was a plan. And for what it's worth, it was a pretty even game. We dominated possession, they played well on the counter.

But it makes our fans feel better to believe they know more than the Manager. Clearly, its just unfortunate luck that this man has managed 4 top clubs. Seeing as he is clueless and they are so clued in.

What a lucky guy. Able to fool managements of top clubs all around the world. From Riverplate to Villarreal to Madrid to Malaga to City. No one figured him out until the astute City fandom sourced him out for the fraud he is.

Just watch the clueless gitt swindle his way into Chelsea's pants next.

We should take down that ' Charming Man' banner and replace it with a 'Cunning Man' banner. Surely, he must be the world's greatest con-man.

I always think this is a dodgy argument. Although I understand where your coming from, by your logic we would never be able to debate player performances, club choices or things outside of football like politics or even the quality of films. Just because we are not as qualified as the person who has done something, doesn't mean we are not allowed to debate the quality of what has been done.
He won the double in the first season so wasn't sackable, second year he would have gone if pep wasn't coming, timing was his friend, can you not see that because a manager wins a title it doesn't make him a good manager by default? I don't dispute he is doing his best but it isn't good enough hence why I don't dislike him, why is winning despite someone an odd statement, it is a very plausible point of view

If our senior management are so good and don't make mistakes explain performances for the last two years, it can only be the manager or the players, which one have they messed up?

From my memory we were going to loose pep to manure when United had Moyes. However luckily for us he turned them down due to the fact United sacked him early.
Peps response to that, was that he didn't fancy going to a club that makes knee jerk reactions and wasn't stable when he arrived.
Alas why Manuel is still here, no matter the performance or display. He was employed to maintain top four and they gave him a not to difficult task of 5 trophies to win considering the finances and squad in place.

From my opinion Manuel is a high end average manager. Every time I see us play it's so predictable, laboured and slow. So if you were a good manager you would change things slightly season after season so teams think you'll play the same way, but in fact you hit them with a change of formation, style of play, or even something as small as tempo.

This is my opinion and I don't dislike Manuel but the performances of our team are slowly changing my views on him. You might say well it's the players that step over the line... Who's job is it to prepare, motivate and provide insight into the opposition for our team to exploit. And if plan A dosent work we should have a plan b, c, d and e. It's the manager
He should have took the bullet after that horrific run of games last season which culminated in that spineless defeat at Old Trafford. Quite frankly the writing has been on the wall since then and I still can't believe certain posts stand by Pellegrini, genuinely believing he's the right man for us. Mark Hughes beat us with Stoke and I'm sure Mancini would beat us with Inter, that says something about Manuel.

Champagne when he's gone.
I always think this is a dodgy argument. Although I understand where your coming from, by your logic we would never be able to debate player performances, club choices or things outside of football like politics or even the quality of films. Just because we are not as qualified as the person who has done something, doesn't mean we are not allowed to debate the quality of what has been done.
While there is a a strong fallacy odor of ridicule to my post, I doubt it suggests one can't discuss specifics, I.E was it a good plan or bad plan, what can't be argued though, is the idea there was NO PLAN. The former is acceptable, the latter is just silly.

By the way this doesn't suggest we can't discuss what was a good or bad perfimance or job, e.t.c. But this attempt to paint him as clueless is just irritating
He should have took the bullet after that horrific run of games last season which culminated in that spineless defeat at Old Trafford. Quite frankly the writing has been on the wall since then and I still can't believe certain posts stand by Pellegrini, genuinely believing he's the right man for us. Mark Hughes beat us with Stoke and I'm sure Mancini would beat us with Inter, that says something about Manuel.

Champagne when he's gone.
I dare you to find 1 person who believes this. The hyperbole generally tends to come from 1 side.

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