Hansen, Lawrenson and Shearer don't have to be racists or rags to make inappropriate statements about Balotelli, they arrive at the conclusions they do by drawing on their past experiences, they are the sum of their parts.
Unfortunately for them and us, they have reached a stage in life where their ability and desire to change has ceased, in other words, they're dinosaurs. Things that they see as perfectly rational and reasonable, judged by their own standards, turn out, often to their astonishment, as unacceptable, similarly with Keys and Gray, who to this day can't understand why they're still not commenting on Sky Sports.
For Hansen, Lawrenson and Shearer, nothing in their past experience has prepared them for the likes of Balotelli, though it's not just Balotelli, all three pundits increasingly miss the point when it comes to football as it is today, and their disconnect becomes even more profound if they wander much beyond that which they are supposed to know.
They are professional pundits, a job they have done longer than their playing careers, which means they must speak authoritively (even when it's obvious they don't know what they are talking about) and it's an authority that seems ever more strident the longer it is since they kicked a competative ball. All three suffer from a self satisfied demeanor that settles on pundits over time, a smugness envelopes them, they do the talking and others listen!
I suspect there is a nagging doubt, suffered I think most acutely by Lawrensen, that deep down all three know they are creatures of another age, that the certainties that rooted them are looking increasingly shaky, it is this reason, beyond any other that leads them to be so critical of Balotelli, he more than anyone embodies something that brings home, painfully, that they are no longer relevant.
Try to imagine Lawrensen and Balotelli in the same room, on paper they should have something in common, they are/were professional footballers it should be none stop banter, in reality, of course, it would be hard to imagine that they could even begin a conversation. More than anything else I think that is why Hansen, Lawrenson and Shearer are so critical of Balotelli, he, more than any other player, informs that nagging suspicion in their heads that they're finished.
There comes a time, sadly for us all, when past experience either counts for little or is actually a hindrance to seeing things as they actually are.