Hansen to retire from MOTD

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Benarbia_is_god said:
Thank fuck for that, but why can't Lawrenson fuck off as well? BBC pundits are the worst i the county by far, final score is excruciating at times.

Yappy Yorath? Jeez.
She has certain redeeming qualities! At least compared to Hansen and Lawrenson.

The Pink Panther said:
RyanP3609 said:
Made my day until I read "After next years world cup", why can't it be from now on.... means another season listening to his drivel while it tells me at the bottom of the screen he used to win trophies at Liverpool 30 years ago.

Still... I'm glad he's fucking off just hope he takes Lawrenson and the boring bastard that is Alan Shearer..

Just as long as Owen doesn't take over....

Or Jason Roberts
Or Garth ''go on then; just the one more pie for me'' Crooks.
Nowhere near as bad as Lawro or Shearer but certainly no gem himself. At least now they can get somebody halfway intelligent on there. Maybe even switch Pat Nevin from Sundays to Saturdays. He seems to be one of the better ones of the lot.
Am I the only one who likes Hansen? Bloody hell, I thought he was widely regarded as a good pundit. Shows what I know.
Time to dust this off. Never tire of it.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfQarImZ97Y" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfQarImZ97Y</a>
This is unbelievably unbelievable news. I mean just look at what he's done there; I mean that's just, just fantastic.

Quite how Auntie will replace such penetrating insights is beyond my ken.
It's a shame he's not leaving this year but I suppose it gives us something to look forward to next year.

And isn't Carragher joining sky?
without a dream said:
Benarbia_is_god said:
Thank fuck for that, but why can't Lawrenson fuck off as well? BBC pundits are the worst i the county by far, final score is excruciating at times.

Adrian Chiles and Andy Townsend beg to differ.
Not to mention Craig ''moaning sweaty'' Burley, John ''just the one more pie for me, thanks'' Barnes and Steve MacPointanamon.

Damn; I mentioned them.

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