Hansen to retire from MOTD

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Benarbia_is_god said:
Thank fuck for that, but why can't Lawrenson fuck off as well? BBC pundits are the worst i the county by far, final score is excruciating at times.

Yappy Yorath? Jeez.

She's fit so I can forgive her but I was thinking more along the lines of Garth Crooks who takes football far too seriously and Steve Claridge.
He can push his trolley round Morrisons with pace,power, passion, pace, passion, power, movement, awareness, power,pace, passion, movement, pace, awareness, power, passion, pace. Yawn. Arrogance. Yawn. Pace, passion, movement, smug, arrogance, yawning, pace, power. Etc.
What a twat. Good riddance
Good fucking riddance, please take ''lawro'' with you too,
Shearer is shit as well, got the personality of a fucking wardrobe and his analytical skills stretch as far as putting some arrows on the screen and literally saying nothing more than what is happening on the screen.
Skashion said:
Pace, movement, desire.


Its touch,technique, pace, movement, desire.

Then they put the yellow square on the screen to illustrate this. Always the yellow square to explain everything.
BlueTG said:
Don't think it's a good thing, MOTD is so shit compared to 10 years ago and they will just draught in some pro united, liverpool or arsenal mug in to talk shit and piss up off even more.

My money is on Ray Wilkins to get the gig.

I get the feeling the BBC have been grooming Robbie Savage for bigger things for a while now. Whilst he may not be everyone's cup of tea he will be a very big breath of fresh air for MOTD without a doubt.

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