Harry Kane

That was the gist of mine and Sam's pod from yesterday. Four different people said the same thing this week. Clearly City, behind closed doors, think this is on/done however you want to characterise it. I was told Khaldoon and Levy spoke and that was when it accelerated as previously they were using an intermediary.

Was @theone91 the intermediary?
Seems like a lot of noise this morning that will help the narrative of kane not being in the right frame of mind to play tommorow.
I just don't get how 2 sets of different journos from 2 clubs can be at 2 spectrums of chain.
If khaldoon is involved like @BillyShears is alluding to then its absolutely end game we have our man.
Also the narrative from the spurs journos has changed the figure is 150 and that line levy won't sell has disappeared miraculously

I honestly believe ONLY Spurs could get this sort of press. Even if we were buying from Chelsea or Liverpool and everything else was the same, the media would accept it's more than likely to happen. But for some reason, these guys are high on the Daniel Levy Kool Aid. It honestly beggars belief when we've all seen All Or Nothing. The guy is a barely credible accountant whose knowledge of football can be easily charted through his managerial appointments down the years. Absolute clown and Joe Lewis's monkey.
That was the gist of mine and Sam's pod from yesterday. Four different people said the same thing this week. Clearly City, behind closed doors, think this is on/done however you want to characterise it. I was told Khaldoon and Levy spoke and that was when it accelerated as previously they were using an intermediary.

Good to hear this is close to being done. Now we just have to batter spurs on Sunday.
Woah,hang on a minute it was only on here a week or two back,that you told me on here that Levy wasn't all that was made out to be,it was a media portrayal.

So now you have realised like the rest of us that he is a clown,or one for a better term,a **** in my eyes,just checking ?

What on Earth are you on about? You’re acting as if he was bigging him up but has now switched when he was down on Levy then and is down on him now as well.
Not saying its close, and obviously there's zero guarantee it'll happen, but I've just personally heard that various departments and people within City are preparing for the possibility that Kane happens next week which is quite interesting. Reckon things change a lot post the Spurs game, for obvious reasons.

Well in Sips. Thanks for passing your info on.

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