Harry Kane

Having just this minute arrived back in Southampton after a week's cruise, logged straight on to BM thinking the Kane deal would be signed sealed and delivered. But no, At least I haven't missed anything
I’m not having a pop and this has got nothing to do with the Kane situation. Stays or comes here, I’m good with either scenario. This is for you and your mindset. £1 billion debt is an issue. Accept it. Ask Barcelona and Real Madrid. We’ve had Spurs fans on like yourself just writing it off as “long term” or others being more detailed talking about how fancy figures from naming rights for the stadium and income from American football can whittle the figure away in short order.
Remember, your club tried to take advantage of the furlough scheme, same as Liverpool who will spend the thick end of diddly squat this summer (one player brought in probably balanced by outgoings). Actions speak louder than words and even the most optimistic of time frames to rid you of your debt will take five year, (and that is highly optimistic in my opinion). You won’t be investing huge sums in your playing squad for the foreseeable future.
Accept you are going to have to go through some pain in the hope the club is stronger in the medium term with a great stadium earning money which isn’t already owed. If you get your head around it, it’s less painful.
the debt will no way be paid off in 5 yrs, its a 30 year agreement on low interest rates, just like having a mortgage when you buy a house

I agree we wont be investing huge sums on players in the near future, only as the stadium generates cash might that be a possibility and dependent on many things.

Our debt isnt the same as Barcas for example, they got themselves in a mess because player salaries were in excess of overall income, that is a recipe for disaster and bad business,
I cannot believe we have let our greatest striker go and we are gonna go into a new season without replacing him . It’s fucking schoolboy errors and no amount of time pep comes out and says he is happy with what we have will change my mind . Massive mistake which will cost us if we don’t bring one in .
yep, got the price he wanted and was happy with and more than he thought market value was.

To be fair, he’s very good at selling his best players for lots of money, really late in the window. I don’t think there’s anyone in the game better than him at it!

He knows the routine inside out.

Absolutely shite at everything else to do with being a Premier League Chairman - particularly building a genuinely competitive team for all the money he’s got, and an abject failure at hiring decent managers capable of actually taking his club forward (Pochettino aside).

But selling his best players for top dollar with no time left to reinvest, so his paymasters can pocket the money - there’s no-one in the world I’d rather have at that game.
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My memory isn’t great but has there ever been such a high profile public pursuit of a player, that went on as long as this,that didn’t end up leaving in the end?

I suppose there must be but the fact that I can’t think of any of the top of my head gives me hope.

De Gea to Madrid
Sanchez to City

both cautionary tales for leaving it too late
"I would imagine pep is pretty frustrated with how this window has been handled"

Not Sure if this is true...but IF it is, the club had previous with the time taken in replacing Kompany.
I think he will be fuming mate . We have signed grealish who we could have done without this season and not even signed a striker who we needed so he will be pissed off like 90 percent of us are because unless Jesus suddenly becomes prolific we are struggling for goals .

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