Harry Kane

Personally, I have no idea whatsoever what is going on between our board and the Spurs board. I am surprised there is both so much knowledge and so much flapping in this thread; juxtapositions are us!
For what it's worth I don't think any of the negotiators City and Spurs know the outcome.
They both know what they want but if not already done (ie outcome delayed for some reason) the deal or no deal is still in obeyance.
There should be no transfer window we should be able to buy anyone at anytime of the year! Joke when they brought in this transfer window all it does is get the media into a frenzy of bullshit plus all these Twitter in the the know would be fucked also Levy will know there no deadline so can’t drag it out With his bluffing..
Yes, Walker was dropped as he said he wanted to leave to go to City. Agree with what he says, but that bit was wrong.

The most memorable part of that falling out was Pochettino saying Walker couldn't play 2 games a week.

Hes played 220 games in 4 seasons for club and country since.

By the end of this season he'll have played more games for City than Spurs.
Spurs fan in peace. I have been ocassionally skimming through the posts in this thread for the past couple of weeks just to get a guage of how likely City fans think the deal is to go through.

While reading through the posts, I realised that several of you have some misconceptions about Tottenham and Levy.

So, I want to dispell a couple of myths that I have repeatedly read:

1) Spurs need to sell Kane because they need the money

Anyone who has done any research on our stadium debt will know that is bullshit. The debt is spread over more than two decades and involves minimul interest payments every year.

In fact, the interest payment owed annually are a small fraction of the increase in matchday income as a result of our move from White Hart Lane. So, if anything we are now in a financially stronger position after moving to the new stadium.

Our wage bill is also extremely managable compared to the other big clubs in the league

2) Levy is a bad chairman who cares more about winning in negotiaitons than about Tottenham's long-term sucess.

If you look at how much Spurs have grown commercially worldwide since ENIC bought the club, you will obviously realise that this is crap.

The reason we are now among Europe's top ten richest clubs is because of Levy. Income wise, we were far off the pace of the traditional 'big four' when he took over as chairman but owing to the new stadium and our commercial growth, we are now in the same league as the likes of Liverpool and Arsenal in terms of the revenue we generate.

One also has to keep in mind that Spurs are a self-sustaining club, who do not have owners pumping money in. So, the only way for us to keep competing near the top over the long-term was to build a new stadium.

To blame Levy for Tottenham's lack of recent silverware is harsh when we constantly keep bottling semifinals and finals.

However, the team has certainly improved steadily on the pitch. Last season was the first time Spurs finished outside the top six in around 12 years, which shows how far we have come from the 90s an early 2000s.

3) Tottenham are a selling club

People keep mentioning Carrick and Berbatov, without realising that those sales were 15 years ago.

In both Modric's and Bale's case (which were also a decade ago), Levy actually stuck to his guns and refused to sell them to a domestic rival. In fact, he actually rejected a bigger bid from Chelsea for Modric before chosing to sell him to Real Madrid 12 months later.

The Kyle Walker case was different as he had fallen out with Pochettino, who started Trippier ahead of him in our final 10 games of the 2016/17 season. Pochettino wanted Walker sold.

If I were a betting man, I would still expect Kane to be a City player by the end of the transfer window but you will likely have to pay upwards of 150m at this stage of the window.
hello, spurs fan in peace, we have heard all this before ,you're 1 billion in debt, over 20 years that's 50m a year without interest, you squad wont qualify for the champs league for the foreseeable future , i keep hearing your matchday revenue will go up, so will the costs, your fucked ,arsenal were in a better place than you when they bought the stadium , you have a club no half decent manager wants to go too, your better players always want to leave, you lot should be going mental at levy no licking his bum, what is it with north london football fans , so out of touch but up their own arses its unbelievable , keep burying your head in the sand, your fucked and you cant see itScreenshot_20210821-120243_Google.jpg
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