Harry Kane

Whether we get Kane or not (I think we ultimately will), I dont really understand Levy's long term strategy here.

Trying to be totally unbiased here, I get that they don't want to sell Kane in the same way no club wants to sell their best players. I get he means a lot to the club, truly I do. It sucks. It hasn't been so long that I don't remember those says.

But take a step back, and Spurs are not title contenders. Just not even close. Their best shot was 2016-17, and they blew it, and they've gotten worse every year since. That was 5 years ago. They have not improved, quite the opposite. Honestly anything above a 5th or 6th place finish this year would be a minor miracle. They are out of the CL and for now its difficult to envision a path back in.

Kane is a depreciating asset. He will never be worth more than he is this summer. And he wants out. So if you're Levy, you're not the bad guy. Your hand was forced. You postured as long as you could. There's nothing more you can do.

With a Kane sale early + their normal budget, Spurs could have spread that money and brought in several quality players. They could have identified several targets and rebuilt around what they had, and improved the team long term even if it may take a season or two after losing Kane.

Now they might keep Kane (maybe? i guess?) and seem like big, tough negotiators but will be worse off in the long run imo. Just shortsighted thinking, which is how they got saddled with the Mourinho fiasco last year.
Yup same logic for me too. I just don't understand Spurs' approach to this, I'm convinced Levy will be aware of the impact of this situation and will capitulate at the very last minute. Otherwise that's just bad bad business. He's a money man, he should know better.

Maybe kane is worth more in shirt sales or merchandise etc
I think we won't bid again until the end of this window. Maybe that will pressure levy into thinking before rejecting outright. We are taking a gamble here. I also don't think we will pay anywhere up to £150M. Maybe 150M with add ons
Exactly look at Torres when he moved to Chelsea and went off a cliff, would anyone of predicted that at the time. No.

Kane could come and not score as often as he does for spurs nothing is guaranteed in football.

Lukaku no is different to when Chelsea last had him.

It's going to be an interesting end to the window and we are firmly after Kane for sure but if he doesn't come he doesn't come.

Thinking back what a coup Mbappe would of been all them years ago.
My only arguement for this would be to look at how Kane performs for his country, I see very little risk that he could adapt to a new team.
spot on matey

i do feel the club are now in panic mode with pep contract up in 2 years. i feel we are trying to buy the champions league before he leaves and its now everything into one basket and it's shit or bust

the club are so hell bent on winning the champions league it could be the death of them and us
if the board or owners ask the manchester city fans how do you feel about the champions league i bet its more in the camp of we don't care as long we are winning premier league titles and cups the (bread and butter)

yes i get the whole point of champions league and what it brings in money wise and the respect you earn by winning it
but for me no matter how much silverware we will win ? we never get the credit the club deserves because the media are hell bent on rubbishing our name with the money and empty etihad and no fans
No, don’t think they do panic, if they did they would have just paid it. The fact they are taking their times shows a lack of panic if anything.
i get that but its who pep wants so that's my take on it it also helps that im in and always have been in a mind set that i don't care what we spend as its not my money so it doesn't effect me im just enjoying the window and all the stuff going on around the deal!

It shouldn't be the case of just what Pep wants. The senior figures at the club have to do what's right by the club and sometimes that can upset the current manager.

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