Has anyone else noticed


Well-Known Member
31 Jan 2009
That as central midfield players Barry and Ireland haven't really dominated any games this season. I'm starting to doubt them especially after henry and mancienne seem to be bossing them far to easily tonight.
Maybe I'm wrong but I think there is better players out there in that posistion just wondered what you all think.
I thought Barry was immense today as he was on Satourday. De Jong too.

I think Micah's days are numbered under RM.

Great to just hear Bellers say he wants to be here long term! Good man.
I think tonight it was just going through midfield too quick for Ireland and Barry to dominate. The ball was going straight from our defensive third into our offensive third.
They played well as a unit tonight... slighty off topic but also apt given the thread has anyone else noticed Marcus Hanamann was trying to look all big and hard like ex WCW & WWE Wrestler Goldberg with that goatee???


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